Sunday 24 November 2013

You won't believe what amazing scientific facts Galileo accidentally wrote down!

You won't believe what amazing scientific facts Galileo accidentally wrote down!

Two of science's great minds, Galileo and Johannes Kepler, engaged in some secret message sharing back in their day. In 1610, Galileo was in Italy and Kepler was in Prague.

Galileo wanted to send a couple of his most recent discoveries to Kepler so he decided to do so in a coded message. He created an anagram out of the note's content - basically scrambled up the original letters.

Why do this? It was a sort of copyright at the time so no one could steal his discoveries. The first discovery Galileo shared was that Saturn had rings.

Kepler misinterpreted the anagram to mean that Mars had two moons. Galileo's second discovery was that Venus has phases like our moon. Kepler misinterpreted this to mean that Jupiter has a giant red spot.

Amazingly enough, both of Kepler's misinterpretations turned out to be true. Of course they would not be proven for another 200 or so years.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

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