Monday 28 October 2013

The sinking of a passenger vessel, a deciding factor for the US entering WWI was actually a legitimate military target!

The sinking of a passenger vessel, a deciding factor for the US entering WWI was actually a legitimate military target!

The RMS Lusitania was a British passenger liner that was launched in 1907. For a brief period, it was the largest ship in the world. It featured cutting edge technology at the time and luxurious passenger accommodations.

On May 7, 1915, she was torpedoed by a German U-boat. She sank and took 1,198 lives with her. At the time, submarine warfare was intensifying in the north Atlantic, and the Germans had declared the waters around Great Britain a "war zone." They believed that the Lusitania was carrying war munitions.

However, firing on a passenger vessel broke the Cruiser Rules, a set of international laws, and Americans were outraged.

This attack was influential in America's decision to declare war and join World War I even though they did so two years later in 1917.

While the Lusitania was not carrying war munitions, she was indeed carrying ammunition (shells and cartridges). This information was not made known to the British public at the time of the sinking.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Today's Daily Brain Teaser (Oct 29, 2013)

Back in Forth 13

Based on the clue in parentheses, find a four-letter word that can be inserted backwards into the blank to complete a longer word.

Example: di____ve (a defeat)

Answer: dissolve ("A defeat" gives you LOSS, which is placed backwards in the blank: di_SSOL_ve.)

1. s____ing (earth)

2. si____lk (felt reverent)

3. cam____e (chauffeur driven car)

4. s____way (bass; extreme)

Check for the answer.

Today's Daily Trivia Quiz (Oct 29, 2013)

Cartoon Character Quotes and Catch Phrases I

Can you guess the characters these quotes were said by or the catch phrases they are known for? For some, this will bring back fond memories. For others, lots of funny quotes and catch phrases are waiting for you here. I'll give you the quote or the catch phrase. Can you pick the correct character from the multiple choice answers? Have fun and good luck!

Take the Quiz at

Creativity : Plan your Work

Getting organized is a great way to improve your memory, and it can also help you stay motivated and be more productive. Taking some time to plan your workday or workweek can have a huge impact on your productivity. One study showed that fifteen minutes spent planning could save an hour of execution time! If you have ever been in a disorganized meeting that seemed to drag on forever, you will understand how much more can be accomplished in the same amount of time if there is an agenda.

All you need is a few minutes with a daily planner, PDA, or piece of paper. Write down the tasks that you need to accomplish and the amount of time that each one is expected to take. Now schedule these tasks into your day and stick to the schedule. You may be surprised to find that you will be much more productive if you do this.

This technique works because without a plan, we waste a lot of time between tasks. When you have a plan, you won't have to spend time trying to figure out what to do next. It also helps you work faster because you won't be worrying or multitasking. When you have a plan, you can focus 100% of your energy on the task without stressing about anything else. Disorganized people waste time trying to do two things at once, or worrying about the things that they haven't finished yet.

Once you realize how much work you can get done if you organize it ahead of time, you will become more motivated, productive and worry free.

Memory : Reviewing People's Names

Once you have gotten someone's name, made it meaningful, and remembered their face, you will have made a huge improvement in your ability to remember that person.

To insure that you will remember that name, you should make sure to review it soon after meeting them. Review their name, the association that you used to link it to their face, and review any interesting facts about that person that you want to remember. If you can, write this information down so you can review it again later. Do an additional review at the end of the day for each new person that you met, and then one final review a week later. This will guarantee that their name and face are firmly in your long-term memory.

Vocabulary : Word of the Day : Lampoon


noun :: A harsh satire usually directed against an individual.

"Thus the aristocracy took their revenge by singing lampoons on their new master, and whispering in his ears sinister prophecies of coming catastrophe." --Marx, Karl & Engles, Frederick

A mentally ill man attempted suicide by shooting himself in the head. That eliminated his mental problems!

A mentally ill man attempted suicide by shooting himself in the head. That eliminated his mental problems!

In 1983, 19-year-old George, a young British man, was suffering extensively from his obsessive-compulsive disorder.

He washed his hands hundreds of times a day and took frequent showers. He went to therapy, but the disorder took over his life. It forced him to drop out of school and quit his job.

In a particularly cruel moment, his mother told him, "if your life is so wretched, just go and shoot yourself."

George did this that. He went to his basement, put a .22 caliber gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. Instead of dying instantly, George survived and was taken to the hospitals.

Surgeons performed surgery to remove the bullet from his brain. It has virtually destroyed his left frontal lobe.

As he recovered, George found that almost all his compulsions were gone. He suffered no other brain damage though, and his IQ remained the same after the accident as it had been before. He went on to college where he did well.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Want a Starship? Think Big. Think Really Big

Traveling to another star is not impossible -- we just need to comprehend the vast distances, time and energies required before we can master the interstellar ocean. Continue reading →

via Discovery News

The Beatles wanted to make a Lord of the Rings movie. Tolkien didn’t let them!

The Beatles wanted to make a Lord of the Rings movie. Tolkien didn’t let them!

The Beatles are, of course, known for their musical genius and hundreds of songs.

They had some talent when it came to the visual arts though too. Not only did they found Apple Records, but they also owned Apple Films.

This company released popular Beatles films "A Hard Day's Night," "Let it Be," "Yellow Submarine," and "Magical Mystery Tour" among others.

In the 1960s, they got a little more ambitious. John Lennon, especially, was a fan of J.R.R. Tolkien's hit trilogy "Lord of the Rings."

At the time, Tolkien still owned the rights to the movie, and the Beatles approached him about making the movie. John was to play the creature Gollum while George was to be the wizard Gandalf. And Ringo was to play Frodo's hobbit sidekick, Sam.

It isn't clear what role Paul would play. In the end, Tolkien denied the Beatle's access to the film rights, and as we know, director Peter Jackson went on to make three epic films out of the trilogy.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Somebody dodged a bullet

- Submitted by Laura B.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Marijuana can reduce suicide rates!

Marijuana can reduce suicide rates!

Recently, a number of US states, including Colorado, have legalized marijuana. In other areas, you can obtain it for basically any "medical" reason.

Whether you agree with this easy access to the drug or not, it has been shown to have one good side effect. It reduces suicide rates.

A German study in 2012 found that, in areas where it was easier to access marijuana, suicide rates had decreased - by 5% overall. Researchers said that suicide is often caused by "stressful life events," and getting high can relieve this stress.

For example, in California, "anxiety" (another word for stress) is a legitimate reason to use medical marijuana.

Of course this study goes against many other studies that link marijuana use with depression and suicide. Are the Germans seeing causation when it's really on correlation?


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

This kid wins everything


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

There’s a beach in Australia where bikini-wearing meter maids pay your meter so you don’t get a ticket!

There’s a beach in Australia where bikini-wearing meter maids pay your meter so you don’t get a ticket!

Isn't getting a parking ticket the worst? Well never fear if you're in Surfers Paradise, Australia. Let's start from the beginning though.

What is Surfers Paradise? It is a surfing (duh), entertainment and tourism center in Queensland. In 1965, entrepreneur Bernie Elsey first came up with the idea of the meter maids.

The Surfers Paradise Progress Association was opposed to putting in parking meters. To assuage their fears, Elsey suggested these meter maids who would promote goodwill among those visiting Surfers Paradise.

The maids walk around in bikinis and feed the meter when it is overdue. They then leave a card explaining the practice.

The original card read: "To save you the inconvenience of a fine, our Meter Maid has inserted a coin in the meter. By courtesy of the Surfers Paradise Progress Association."


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

You get what you pay for

You get what you pay for

Here’s a set I received as a gift. Most of the bits I have yet to use. A few have been used a few times. If you are only going to use these bits at most a few times each and not demanding great results then OK. But if you need quality results and don’t want to play games with something just to use it then pass on them.

The case they come in is durable and each bits location is labeled with an image of the bit shape so that is a positive. The second picture I included shows the bearing on top of the round over bit. That bearing is missing the top cover to it. Thats because it came apart. Is the bearing quality a review of the router bit? Maybe yes, Maybe no but the bearings included in this kit aren’t worth using more than once. One consistent thing I noticed with the bits I used from this kit were that after a couple of uses they no longer held any kind of an edge.

You do get what you pay for and this is no exception. This kit was useful for the few projects I had that didn’t require great results. But anything more than that and you should look for a better bit or set of bits.

Cost of this kit ~ $1 per bit

Whiteside bit I used today for first time ~ $32 for one bit

Depends on what you need and for how long. Would I buy this again? Not sure. I’d really have to look at what I needed the bit/s for.

Thanks for reading

Peacock feathers are actually brown. The colors are an optical illusion!

Peacock feathers are actually brown. The colors are an optical illusion!

Peacock feathers are featured in fashion for their beautiful colors and patterns - from earrings to dresses. Their bright blue, green and golds are recognizable nearly everywhere.

However, peacock feathers are actually brown. Have your eyes been deceiving you? Yes, in a way.

You can't really blame your eyes though. Peacock feathers have structural coloration. They are actually pigmented brown, but their surface is microscopically structured with schemochromes that interfere with visible light.

These structures make the feathers appear as if they have multiples colors and often makes them appear iridescent too.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce