Monday, 11 February 2013
How'd they do this?!
So I traveled off to a different lumberyard and while waiting around, noticed this puzzle sitting by a window:
I looked at it for a few minutes, did not see any glue lines or the like. It appears to have been cut w/ forstner bits. All 4 sides are the same. The golf ball can move freely, but of course will not come out.
Due to some bad service, I ended up walking out after about not being helped for 15 minutes, so never got a chance to ask about the puzzle. It’s been pugging me ever since. Any ideas?
Crafty Puzzles
Mensa Brainteaser - Week 7 - Monday - British Mensa
via Crafty Puzzles
Answer - Week 6 - Thursday - British Mensa
via Crafty Puzzles
Mensa Puzzle Tweet Answer for 11/02/13 - British Mensa
via Crafty Puzzles
El Jengo!
This was a really simple math project.
Hemlock/Fir 2×4’s sanded and healthy coat of shellac allow for smooth block removal from the middle or sides and put on top.
Our first trial allowed us to finish the game with no remaining moves which was really cool to see.
The project took about 6-7hours for cutting, sanding, and shellac finishing.. Total cost is expensive to create but I kept 2×4 scraps from other projects created over the course of a year or so and had enough to finish this awesome game.
Crafty Puzzles