Thursday 16 January 2014

Students in Guinea go to the airport to study. The reason why is both inspiring and disheartening.

Students in Guinea go to the airport to study. The reason why is both inspiring and disheartening.

Conakry International Airport is an airport located in the capital of the Republic of Guinea in West Africa. Guinea, an incredibly poor country, only has access to electricity in about 5% of it's buildings. As a result, there are many regions in the country that have no electricity. The airport is one of the few places that always has electricity!

The airport parking lot has become somewhat of a popular destination for students trying to study for exams, because it is one of the few places in the country that is open to the public and is always illuminated by electric lamps!

Do you think it's inspiring or disheartening to hear that the students need to study for their exams in a parking lot? On one hand, they are determined to pass their exams so they travel a significant distance to study. On the other hand, the country is so poor that they don't have electricity in most regions of the nation, and are thus forced to go.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Today's Daily Brain Teaser (Jan 17, 2014)

Eye Rhymes 2

In each sentence below, two words are incomplete. The two words end in the same three letters, so they look like they should rhyme, but they don't. See if you can figure out the missing letters in each sentence.

Example: One symptom of bronchitis is a ro___ co___. (The two words are: rough & cough.)

1. When God speaks, it is a w___ from the L___.

2 After the fl___, Noah disembarked and st___ on Mount Ararat.

3. If it doesn't rain today, I will wa___ the garden la___.

4. He was so___ to wo___ his family by arriving home late.

Check for the answer.

Today's Daily Trivia Quiz (Jan 17, 2014)

Yummy 2

Can you guess what food item each "jingle" or slogan was made for?

Take the Quiz at

Creativity : Engineering Challenge : Paper Tower

Engineering challenges are fun activities that are frequently assigned to students in physics or engineering classes, but they can easily be used outside of these venues. An engineering challenge usually has a simple goal and some rules about what sorts of materials you are allowed to use. These are great ways to get people thinking creatively and to foster teamwork and competition. Try an engineering challenge at a birthday party, office outing, scout meeting, or any other gathering where you want to have fun and exercise your creativity.

The objective in the Paper Tower challenge is to construct the tallest freestanding tower from a single sheet of paper and a small amount of tape. The tower must be able to stand on its own for at least 10 seconds.

Vocabulary : Word of the Day : Condign


adj :: Deserved, appropriate.

"Worrying about a criminal's condign punishment is not a worthwhile task."

Memory : Chunking

Did you ever wonder why phone numbers and credit card numbers are separated into little groups of numbers? It's to help you remember them!

Chunking is the technique of taking smaller objects and grouping them into larger objects so they can be more easily remembered. It's much easier to remember 65-74-81-32 than it is to remember 65748132.

Try remembering the letters TRTESEL. Now try remembering the same letters in this order: LETTERS. Because your brain is remembering a word instead of 7 random letters, it doesn't have to work as hard. Essentially, you have compressed more information into a single chunk.

The next time you are trying to remember a list of small items, try chunking them together so you can fit more information into your short term memory.

It's not just fraternal and identical; there are seven different types of twins!

It's not just fraternal and identical; there are seven different types of twins!

A twin is one of two offspring produced in the same pregnancy. Twins can either be monozygotic ("identical"), meaning that they develop from one zygote that splits and forms two embryos, or dizygotic ("fraternal"), meaning that they develop from two eggs, each fertilized by separate sperm cells.

The twin birth rate in the United States rose 76% from 1980 through 2009, from 18.9 to 33.3 per 1,000 births. The world's highest rates of twinning are found across Central Africa, where there are 18-30 twin sets (or 36-60 twins) per 1,000 live births.

What most people don’t know is that there are actually seven different types of twins: Identical, Fraternal, Mirror-Image, Polar Body (Half Identical), Mixed Chromosome, Superfecundation, and Superfetation.

If you’d like to see the characteristics of each, make sure you check the source link.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Eyes on your own paper, Chief


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

The old joke of slipping on a banana peel has a hidden meaning! Know what it is?

The old joke of slipping on a banana peel has a hidden meaning! Know what it is?

We all know the joke. An unsuspecting victim is walking along, minding their own business, when all of a sudden they step on a banana peel that they don't see. That person then stumbles and falls to the ground in a typical slapstick manner. Hilarious, right? But what if we told you that the joke is symbolic of something else?

That's right—the banana peel slip joke has a hidden meaning. Are you ready for it? The joke isn't about slipping on a banana peel, it's a reference to slipping in horse manure and falling face first down into poop!

Back in the early days of cinema, comedy was considered an art form, and they thought that if they showed actual manure on stage it would ruin the art form. So, instead of shovelling manure onto a stage and ruining art, they used a banana peal to get the effect!


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Which "New Girl" Character Are You?

The economy stinks, bees are dying, and movies are pretty much all sequels now. But at least you have this quiz!

amazing 3d wooden brain teasers, go to retailer via BuzzFeed - LOL Feed

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Artist: J. Circle

Illustrations by J. Circle

>3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via Geek Art Gallery

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Which Of Jon Hamm's Massive Bulges Are You?

Take the quiz!

amazing 3d wooden brain teasers, go to retailer via BuzzFeed - LOL Feed

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Hermit crabs form gangs and steal from other crabs!

Hermit crabs form gangs and steal from other crabs!

One of the most interesting things about hermit crabs is that they have to keep seeking new homes as they get larger. They have long, spiral-shaped abdomens which are incredibly soft, and as a result they need to use shells as a protection from predators. When one crab moves into a bigger shell, the other crabs often form a line from biggest to smallest, so that everyone gets to upgrade to a bigger shell!

If you think that act of survival is impressive and charitable, just wait until you read what crabs do to each other if they become jealous! Hermit crabs are known to gang up on another hermit crab if they perceive that crab to have a better shell. Hermit crabs will physically pry another hermit crabs home away from it, and then they will compete for that shell!

It ain't easy bein' a crab.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Pythagoras (from the theorem) created his own cult with crazy severe dietary restrictions.

Pythagoras (from the theorem) created his own cult with crazy severe dietary restrictions.

Pythagoreanism was the system of esoteric and metaphysical beliefs held by Pythagoras and his followers, the Pythagorean cult. Pythagoreanism originated in the 5th century BC and greatly influenced later philosopers, such as Plato.

The Pythagorean code heavily restricted the diet of it's followers, prohibiting the consumption or even touching of any sort of bean. Some believed that this was due to their belief in the soul, and the fact that beans have the ability to create life.

Others belive that beans were forbidden because they resemble the kidneys and genitalia. But the most likely reason for the rule is some magico-religious explanation, such as the belief that beans and human beings were created from the same material.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce