Monday 5 January 2015

Today's Daily Brain Teaser (Jan 06, 2015)

Operation: Vegetable-Ectomy

Six words have had their vegetables removed. The vegetables have been placed into Group A. The remaining letters of each word have been placed into Group B. Your task is to reconstitute the words by merging each vegetable with the proper set of letters. Other than merging the two groups together, there is no rearranging of the letters. Example: sand + pne = spanned (SpANneD).

Group A: bean, beet, corn, kale, pea, radish

Group B: acdio, bning, lieb, nfi, rthig, scagot

Check for the answer.

from Braingle's Teasers

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Born A Lion


from You Drive What


Ride Of The Day


from You Drive What


The Hare and the Tortoise - Brand and Farage

Last week I put a piece on YouTube, condensing Russell Brand's 2014 into just under three minutes:

It was tricky to do, because I have much sympathy for what Brand says he wants to achieve. I agree with much of what he says. I hate the 'first past the post' electoral system in the UK, and the way it results in so few people's votes ever counting for anything (although I'll come onto that later). I hate the establishment. I hate the fact that George Osborne's father-in-law is a lobbyist for major fracking investors. I hate it all.

But some people, on watching my video, concluded that I was One Of Them. And that I was a supporter of Farage. Which, let me be quite clear here, I categorically am not.

There's an apocryphal story that back in the days of good jazz, Bill Harris, a trombonist in Woody Herman's band, was the most annoyingly, unfailingly positive person around. He wouldn't say a bad word about anybody. Finally, in exasperation, his fellow band members turned to him and said 'Ok, what about Hitler? What do you have to say about him?'

He paused for a fraction of a second and said 'He was the best in his field'.

And that is the problem. When it comes to radical politics in this country, Farage is the best in his field. Which is frightening, and dangerous. Brand says 'reject the system - don't vote'. Farage says 'reject the system - vote for me'. And people are doing so. Because it's a clear proposition. Farage is working within the existing infrastructure, and giving people a means of expressing themselves. Brand, for all his rhetoric, isn't telling me (or anyone else) how we should effect change. Yes, we should organise locally, at the grassroots level, and build up and outwards from there. We should also be going to the gym more. And washing up our recycling really thoroughly. I'm awful at that. I'm trying to do better.

I consider myself reasonably politically-aware, but I don't know how to organise locally. I find it hard to even make eye contact with people when I go to the shops. To be honest, in South East London, where I spent most of my life, doing so could be fatal.

The best I can do, politically, is sign online petitions, try to live ethically and with minimal environmental impact, and, lastly... to vote. Dragging my haggard carcass to a church hall and making a cross (ironic, that) once every five years, realistically, is about as pro-active as I am going to get.

I certainly wouldn't dream of assuming that it's the same for everybody else. But I do see tired, overworked people, with loyalties divided between work and family and sleep, who can barely look up from the treadmill of their lives to do any Big-Picture Thinking. It's much easier to do that when you are rich enough to work when you want to work, and do the work you feel like doing. Not that I am naming any names here. And I think it's expecting a lot to tell the masses to start a revolution. It's sort of like uncaging a load of battery hens and saying 'Go! Fly! Be free!' while they blink in the daylight, attempt to stand up and wonder where the feeding belt went. Plus, chickens are largely flightless anyway.

Anyway. Vegan-agenda-pushing analogies aside, what I am saying is that putting all your money on revolution is a big, big, massive, reckless gamble. I would love to see revolution. I will happily campaign for it. Truly. But I think it would be prudent to vote, too, juuuuust in case it doesn't quite go according to plan.

(There is a side issue here, as to how we would win even if the revolution *did* happen. Often, the power vacuum created by revolutions doesn't get filled by 'peaceful, loving' people like what Russell likes. Often, they're thuggish bastards. Look at the sliding scale of outcomes in the Arab Spring. Historically, better results have come from those movements with a clear vision of what the new democratic infrastructure should be).

The chances of revolution happening, and, importantly, then delivering the result we would wish for, are tiny. Whether or not we have revolution, we will still need infrastructure. Who will empty the bins? Who will clean the hospitals? Who will tarmac the roads? (Personally, I would very much like to see it done by ex-bankers). The last thing I want to do is kill the momentum of people's desire to make change happen. And I don't want to sound old and cynical. I want us, as a society, to harness the energy and idealism of the young, and the young-thinking.

This is where Farage has been canny, and where Brand falls down. Farage has spent 20-plus years hauling UKIP out of the mud, and shaping it into something that people are finding attractive. That process, like much of the work your average MP does, is bloody boring. It involves listening to people talking about the drains in Hackney. It isn't sexy, or jolly, or fun. But it's important. Because the drains in Hackney do matter to some people.

I respect Russell Brand for going out and talking to some people - firemen in East London, and the residents of the New Era Estate. And I applaud their efforts, hugely. What they have done has been fantastic.

These victories, though, will not diminish the injustices now being perpetrated by corporations on a global scale. Slavery has now been localised. Why ship people halfway across the world to a colony, when you can enslave them in their own villages, on their own land? How do we stop companies like Monsanto from annexing whole continents? Organising locally is not going to cut it. What we need is legislative power.

Fortunately, the infrastructure is there. It's all in place. Petitions, referendums, demonstrations and elections. On a local scale, I don't buy Starbucks any more (even though I miss their sodding frappuccinos EVERY DAMN DAY) and on a national scale, I'll go on demonstrations, and I'll vote.

I feel that Brand thinks that one glorious October, we will finally overthrow all tyranny and injustice everywhere and everything will be brilliant and we can all make love in a big field somewhere while John Denver sings to us. (I may have some of the details wrong there; it could be Chris de Burgh; there's really no knowing).

I know that's silly and reductive and dismissive. But, in the absence of a coherent plan, we are all forced to try to extrapolate What Would Happen Next. Brand has spent two years reading and writing on the subject of revolution, which is admirable, but he is looking to rid the world of evil at the speed of a magic bullet. I fear it will take longer than that. Much, much longer. About twenty years, in fact.

Which is not to say it can't be done. And Brand is starting from a much stronger position than Farage did. But, as well as doing all the fun stuff, the jolly book tours and the arsing about interviews, he'll need to set himself a long-term plan, and begin the long walk towards it. And that will mean working within the current setup, to an extent.

Honest, I don't want to rain on anyone's parade. I would love to see revolution come. But let's be belt-and-braces. Let's vote in the meantime. Why should you vote? To tell the people in power what you are for. Not what you're against. At this time, when it seems society has retreated into its respective corners in preparation for some big bout, it is, I think, time to abandon tactical voting. Vote with your heart. Whichever party most closely resembles your beliefs, vote for it. It isn't a wasted vote. Because the big parties will look at the policies that are attracting the votes. And they will change. Look at how all the major parties have started hastily chucking in stuff about immigration. Those UKIP votes, the ones that haven't elected any MPs - they have brought about real change in policy, whether the rest of us like it or not.

And if you're not sure who to vote for, I still recommend having a quick look at the impartial if you haven't yet. It's a great way to find out which party most closely resembles your views. And then, I beg you... Vote for it in May. We can back both hare and tortoise approaches to the world's problems.

In the meantime, if you can't face watching the video, or you're on a bus or something, here's a transcript:

This year I've decided to git all poli'icoo and become a conduit for change, since I've got a girlfriend and can't shag about no more. I fink I'll go up Noosnight. I don't wanna look at graphs, Evan, I just spent the last two hours 69ing Owen Jones at a Guardian thing, and I'm so pumped full of adulation and adrenalin that I think I'm ruddy invincible mate and I'll start using every intimidation tactic in the book, such as over-familiari'y, mate, chum, fella, big man, I'm touching your leg 'cos I'm not scared of the gays, I think it's a really beau'iful fing, I own you, Evan, let's extend the Occupy movement to your personal bodyspace, let me just shake out my manly mane and expose my crotch a little bit more, I bloody AM Jesus, mate, I'm the King of the Trews. Fair point, Jesus and Che Guevara and Gandhi weren't multi-millionaires, chargin' the best part of a nundred squid to watch them plug their book up the Albert 'all, but what do you want me to do? Give the book away as a free download? I ain't got all the answers. I'm basically just soundin' off, mate, to milk applause, this ain't about solutions. We need to organise locally, like last Saturdy we went down 'ackney Poundstretcher and done a demonstration about Monsanto and I fink iss really got 'em on the run. Plus I got to stand in front of it and look like a man of the people. At least when I exploit the workin' classes for me own gain, I bother to put on eyeliner. What's that? Am I really represen'in' them when they don't stand a chance of understanding a word I'm saying? All I can say to that is oligarchy didactic ativism dodecahedron 'ungry 'ippos recidivisticalydocious. Oh, and 'dinkle' - I ain't lost me roots! Iss about takin' ownership of fings again. Like 'ow I took ownership when someone parodied me usin' the Park Life song - I did me own:


It's difficult to do a parody when you're trying to be too clever and find words that rhyme with... Park Life.

You end up sitting there staring at the words for so long you think it's acceptable to crowbar in phrases like... 'Daft Tripe'.

The trews is, about 18 months ago, economists started predictin' social breakdahn wivvin two years, or as soon as the old interest-winterest rates went up, and since massive ego plus too much time on me 'ands equals desperate need for self-aggrandisement, I fought I'd start predictin' a revolution, 'cos when you screw your eyes up a bit, revolution, ie attemptin' to overthrow the old order an' bring about radical social change does look a bit like ransacking your local JD Sports for trainers, dunnit? So as long as I keep on bangin on about this stuff for long enough, I'll be able to say 'I told you so' next time someone ram-raids a Currys. Time for a bit of the ol' self-deprecation, I'm just a poor boy, from a poor family, I ain't got all the answers, I don't seem to need 'em when I'm gettin' all this attention for just soundin' off about stuff, if I lent my support to the Green Party the way I did to the residents of the New Era Estate, I could bring about real social change, or if I was really committed to this stuff I could put my big money where my big mouth is and put in the grunt work like Nigel Farage did twenty years ago and slowly build up my own political movement. Ere's the fing: Some people might fink 'well, thass a bit 'arsh, this deconstruction of 'im is a bit like rolling up a big copy of the Sun an' smashin' 'im into the carpet, but the fact is that while I'm enjoyin' the spotlight, the ones with the power are quietly legislatin' people like me away into a gulag, and I'd like to see 'ow a few clips on YouTube are gonna stop that.


from UK Comedy - The Huffington Post

Why Does George Osborne Look So Incredibly Evil?

'Judge Me On My Record,' Says David Cameron. So We Did...

"I want to be judged," David Cameron told Andrew Marr on his Sunday show. "I'm very happy to be judged on the record that I have as Prime Minister over the last five years."

Alright then, Dave...

cameron record topicalol

(Created by David Schneider, Andrea Mann and David Beresford)

from UK Comedy - The Huffington Post

12 Fun Facts About Twelfth Night

It's Twelfth Night! The day after Eleventh Night! But how well do you really know the marking of the end of Christmastide and the coming of the Epiphany? Here are 12 amazing and possibly untrue facts about it (with apologies to Wikipedia)...

1. Twelfth Night is traditionally the evening before Epiphany, which is also the name of Katie Price's youngest child.

2. Twelfth Night marks the end of the winter festival that begins with All Hallow's Eve and ends with the last Quality Street being eaten.

3. Some say that if you leave Christmas decorations up after Twelfth Night, bad luck will befall your house. These people are idiots.

4. Whether Twelfth Night is celebrated on the 5th or 6th of January is the subject of heated debate amongst scholars, historians and pub quiz contestants.

5. In some places, particularly South West England, Old Twelfth Night is celebrated on 17 January. Some say this is due to it being the date determined by the Julian calendar; others say it is due to it being South West England.

6. The drink traditionally consumed on Twelfth Night in Britain is 'wassail' - a concoction made by mixing any drinks you have leftover from Christmas and/or the contents of a selection of mini liqueurs.

7. Since 1795, the Drury Lane Theatre in London has always provided a cake for the company in residence on Twelfth Night. There was controversy during the run of 'My Fair Lady', however, when Julie Andrews was rumoured to receive a slightly larger slice than her co-stars.

8. During medieval times, a cake that contained a bean was traditionally eaten at the beginning of Twelfth Night festival. The person who found the bean would then 'rule the feast' - a medieval term meaning 'be the first to fart'.

9. In colonial America, Christmas wreaths were traditionally taken down from the fronts of houses on Twelfth Night, and any edible portions would be eaten. Some modern-day Americans still try this, despite their wreaths being made entirely of plastic.

10. In parts of Kent, an edible decoration would be the last part of Christmas to be removed on Twelfth Night, and would be shared amongst the family. This tradition continues to this day, with the decoration usually being a melted chocolate Santa found down the back of the sofa.

11. In the eastern Alps, a tradition called 'Perchtenlaufen' exists. Two to three hundred masked young men rush about the streets with whips and bells driving out evil spirits. Or as it's known in most parts of England: 'Friday night'.

12. Shakespeare's play 'Twelfth Night' is a comedy about people failing to take down their Christmas cards.

from UK Comedy - The Huffington Post

Men Get Lonely - So What? Tell Someone Who Cares


"Hey you. If you've got a problem, do something about it. Don't talk about it. Nobody cares."

As a man, I've heard this before. All the time actually, and in several different ways. After a girlfriend cheated on me, when I was shattered and expressed a need to discuss it, a friend told me:

"You need to stop talking and thinking about it right now. Nobody cares."

When I was having a particularly hard time while performing at a comedy festival a female friend said:

"Nobody likes the sad guy. Stop being the sad guy."

When I asked a family member for advice, he said:

"You've never asked before. So why ask now? Actually, the best advice I can give you is to figure it out for yourself."

When I wanted some career advice from a manager at work I was told:

"A man's job is to provide. You want a family? You won't have time for feelings or any of that shit."

I caught up with a friend to "talk". He said,

"You wanted to talk? So start talking. I'm watching the footy."

A study has just been released, which has found that "lonely men lose friends when life gets busy". Apparently as work, family and other commitments eat up their time, men have less time for friends.

Here's a survey question I'd like to ask:

"Where's the survey that doesn't just state the blindingly obvious while pretending it's actually important?"

Then here's a rule for newspapers:

"No more telling us common sense things as if they're news. Unless you also tell us something worth knowing."

According to this survey, one in four Australian men between 30 and 65 years of age have few or no social connections, and loneliness and isolation are common.

My response?


Every one of my friends, male or female, has mostly or completely disappeared as they've settled into long-term relationships, started families, moved away, etc.

You only have so many hours in a day, and as your commitments increase, your time for friends whittles away to almost zero.

I don't understand how this is news.

I'm not sure if it's more a problem for men or women. I am a man, and I've noticed it happening to me. It's called life.

So apparently this is an epidemic. Yes, life is an epidemic. It affects every one of us. The only cure is death.

Look, I'm sure some men are depressed and could do with more friends. So go and find someone to hang out with.

You're sad and lonely? Go outside, go somewhere, do something, and keep trying until you stop feeling sad and lonely.

If you've got a problem, go and fix it. Stop whining about it. Seriously, there are so many bigger, harder and more challenging problems in the world than the combination of your loneliness and laziness that has led to you feeling sorry for yourself.

Go and talk to a professional if you want. No shame in it.

Simply put, refer to statement one, as above. It's been told to me for a reason -it's spot on. Here it is again:

If you've got a problem, do something about it. Don't talk about it. Nobody cares.

from UK Comedy - The Huffington Post

Hawkeye And Windy's Pro-Ukip Song Is Absolutely Not About The Daily Mail

This song about a fictional immigrant-blaming, Ukip supporting, woman-hating newspaper is quite catchy.

Even though it certainly doesn't bear any resemblance to any major UK publication at all.

Watch with caution - it's a bit sweary.

from UK Comedy - The Huffington Post

Nigel Farage Attacked For Failing To Integrate With Rest Of Society

The inability of Nigel Farage and other right-wing politicians to integrate and speak the same language as those working in the NHS has been attacked as 'scandalous'.

"The whole point about politics, whether it impacts on the health service or elsewhere, is that we have to have proper integration," one GP told HuffPost UK Comedy. "Ukip and the Tories' failure to understand those working in the NHS is scandalous. Don't we want to live in a country where we speak the same language?"

"I don't know whether you've ever heard a politician like Nigel Farage speak - but I don't understand what he's talking about," added another. "He just keeps blaming everything on immigrants.'

"Politicians like Farage clearly have huge comprehension issues," said another NHS worker. "If they can't speak the same language as the rest of us, they should be fired."

from UK Comedy - The Huffington Post

Enterprising Kenyans pretended to be Somali pirates and gave…

Enterprising Kenyans pretended to be Somali pirates and gave fake interviews to foreign journalists for cash

from Crazy Facts

Medieval peasants got more vacation…

Medieval peasants got more vacation time than modern workers.

from Crazy Facts

Ruth Lawrence, a child prodigy, passed the Oxford University maths exam

Ruth Lawrence, a child prodigy, passed the Oxford University maths exam at age 10, coming first out of all 530 candidates, she then completed the degree a year early by age 13.

from Crazy Facts

52% of Americans can’t afford the house that they…

52% of Americans can’t afford the house that they are currently living in right now.

from Crazy Facts

15 Ridiculous Things Fashion Designers Expect Us To Wear In 2015

Brody Brixton Is The Best French Bulldog Around

Little Brody is only 3-months-old, but he can already do loads of awesome tricks after 4 days of training.

He can shakes hands, ring a bell, and much more.

Look out, Crufts!

Waste some time: watch more viral videos!

from UK Comedy - The Huffington Post

Brain Teaser 1/5/2015

Glenn and Jason each have a collection of cricket balls. Glenn said that if Jason would give him 4 of his balls they would have an equal number; but, if Glenn would give Jason 4 of his balls, Jason would have 3 times as many balls as Glenn. How many balls does Jason have?



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Fans Disappointed As 'Back To The Future II' Turns Out To Be Work Of Fiction

Film fans have expressed their disappointment at the realisation that the movie 'Back To The Future II' is a work of fiction and not, in fact, a documentary.

"I thought it was an accurate portrayal of life in 2015," one told HuffPost UK Comedy. "Now that we've actually reached that year, I see that it was, in fact, made up."

"I was totally convinced that it was a documentary," said another. "I now realise it was just a zany time-travel movie.

"This means I'll have to re-evaluate serious documentary filmmaker Robert Zemeckis's other works, like 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit."

Many movie-watchers are now comparing the film unfavourably to the follow-up documentary 'Back To The Future III', which accurately portrayed life in 1885, including the use of horses and carriages.

Other fans, however, remain in denial about 'Back To The Future II''s genre. "I refuse to believe it wasn't a non-fictional record of life in 2015," said one film buff. "There is still time for people to produce and mass market hoverboards, flying cars and self-drying jackets. In fact, we've got until 21 October."

from UK Comedy - The Huffington Post

Walt Disney World Guest Challenges Gaston To A Push-Up Contest And Gets Schooled

A Walt Disney World Florida guest has become a viral sensation after challenging 'Beauty And The Beast' star Gaston to a strength contest.

He's only got himself to blame for picking a fight with the strongest man in the land.

Gaston even manages to go for one-handed push-ups, proving his strength and leaving the Disney World patron red-faced.

He may be able to fend off grown men, but the Disney villain is no match for a little girl with a heart of gold, as proven by this feisty princess last year.

from UK Comedy - The Huffington Post

Today in History for 5th January 2015

Historical Events

1649 - Francesco Cavalli's opera "Giasone" premieres in Venice

1804 - Ohio legislature passes 1st laws restricting free blacks movement

1854 - Steamship San Francisco wrecked-300 die

1905 - National Association of Audubon Society, a non-profit, environmental organization dedicated to conservation, incorporates

1927 - Judge Landis begins 3-day public hearing on charges that 4 games played between Chicago and Detroit in 1917 had been thrown to White Sox

1968 - Alexander Dubček succeeds Antonín Novotný as communist party leader of Czechoslovakia

More Historical Events »

Famous Birthdays

1762 - Constanze Mozart, wife of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (d. 1842)

1787 - John Burke, Irish genealogist (Burke's Peerage)

1897 - Jack Wagner, OH, actor (Jive Junction)

1962 - Joel Wyner, actor/director (Lyle Springer-Sirens, Listen, Club)

1966 - Renaldo Turnbull, NFL defensive end (NO Saints, Carolina Panthers)

1969 - David Dixon, NFL guard (Minnesota Vikings)

More Famous Birthdays »

Famous Deaths

1856 - Pierre J David, [David d'Angers], French sculptor, dies at 67

1939 - Amelia Earhart, American aviator declared dead after disappearance in 1937. (b. 1897)

1974 - Roy Bargy, orchestra leader (Jimmy Durante Show), dies at 79

1996 - Joseph Daniel White, singer/bandleader, dies at 84

2005 - Danny Sugerman, American music manager (The Doors) (b. 1954)

2006 - Lord Merlyn-Rees, British politician (b. 1920)

More Famous Deaths »

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