Saturday 21 December 2013

How would you feel if you couldn't fall asleep at all? This poor guy had to go through that.

How would you feel if you couldn't fall asleep at all? This poor guy had to go through that.

Paul Kern was a Hungarian soldier that fought in World War 1. He was an excellent solider and was awarded medals for fighting even when the last member of his squad was killed.

Despite his excellence, he too fell victim to a gunshot wound that should have been fatal. Paul Kern was shot in the temple, and had part of his brain destroyed.

That's right, a large chunk of Paul's frontal lobe was destroyed, which should have killed any human being. It didn't kill him. In fact, the only thing that changed in Paul's life that he was physically unable to fall asleep.

Doctors studied him and just didn't understand the fact that he was alive and the only problem with him is that he couldn't fall asleep.

Sedatives and sleeping pills couldn't even make Paul fall asleep. It may sound awful, but Paul didn't suffer. Part of his nervous system was also destroyed.

As a result, he became immune to his own exhaustion and insisted that he felt perfectly fine! He stayed awake until his death in 1955.

...and you thought you were a champ for staying awake all night during finals week.


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3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Today's Daily Brain Teaser (Dec 22, 2013)


Sam and Lisa live in a city in Nevada, USA, whose streets run perfectly north-to-south and east-to-west. They are at the intersection of Harrison Street, which is north-south, and Jefferson Street, which is east-west. They are both walking to an intersection that is a few blocks east and a few blocks south from where they are now. They both take direct routes, using only two streets each (and therefore making only one turn each), but Sam takes Harrison Street while Lisa takes Jefferson Street. Assuming that neither encounters any obstacles, and that the turns take the same distance to complete, is there any reason why Sam's path or Lisa's path could be considered longer than the other's?

Check for the answer.

Today's Daily Trivia Quiz (Dec 22, 2013)

Song: "Photograph"

How well do you know this song from Nickelback?

Take the Quiz at

Vocabulary : Word of the Day : Assuage


verb :: To lessen the intensity of something that pains or distresses.

"Her parents tried to assuage her grief over the death of her goldfish."

In WWI, German and British troops had a Christmas truce. What they did was oddly heartwarming.

In WWI, German and British troops had a Christmas truce. What they did was oddly heartwarming.

During World War I, on and around Christmas Day 1914, the sounds of rifles firing and shells exploding faded in a number of places along the Western Front in favor of holiday celebrations in the trenches and gestures of goodwill between enemies.

Starting on Christmas Eve, many German and British troops sang Christmas carols to each other across the lines, and at certain points the Allied soldiers even heard brass bands joining the Germans in their joyous singing.

At the first light of dawn on Christmas Day, some German soldiers emerged from their trenches and approached the Allied lines across no-man's-land, calling out "Merry Christmas" in their enemies' native tongues.

At first, the Allied soldiers feared it was a trick, but seeing the Germans unarmed they climbed out of their trenches and shook hands with the enemy soldiers.

The men exchanged presents of cigarettes and plum puddings and sang carols and songs. There was even a documented case of soldiers from opposing sides playing a good-natured game of soccer.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

33 Real Lines From "Supernatural" That You Can't Believe Aired On TV

Never change, Supernatural . Never change.

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amazing 3d wooden brain teasers, go to retailer via BuzzFeed - LOL Feed

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Do you know if you have dementia or Alzheimer? This simple test could tell you.

Do you know if you have dementia or Alzheimer? This simple test could tell you.

Alzheimer's is an incredibly debilitating disease that often is associated with old age. People who suffer from Alzheimer's have a difficult time remembering where they put things, crucial details of their lives, and even the faces of loved ones. It's unfortunate, but at this point in time there is no cure.

Luckily, there is an incredibly simple test that can be done in order to test someone for Alzheimer's, or certain types of dementia. The test involves three sets.

The person must draw a clock, put in all the numbers in the correct spots, and set the hands of the clock at ten past eleven.

Participants are scored based on their ability to draw the clock as a circle, all the numbers being in the correct order, numbers being in the proper 'special' order, drawing two hands on the clock, and drawing the correct time on the clock.

The test is given and scored, to test people's abilities to process information and instructions, and their general cognitive ability and how they adapt to certain scenarios. For more information on the Clock Drawing Test, click the source!


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

This is how you officially respond to 'liar liar pants on fire.'

This is how you officially respond to 'liar liar pants on fire.'

If at some point in your life you were a child, you're probably familiar with the saying "Liar liar pants on fire hanging from a telephone wire".

This saying, as you may expect, is said by children, to other children who have been caught lying. Not only is it said over and over again, but there is nothing more infuriating than being called a liar when you are telling the truth.

Well, don't worry 40 year old man reading this article, the children can verbally abuse you no more. The next time someone says "Liar liar pants on fire" to you, you just have to respond correctly.

The correct response, may in fact be a lie, but it is "I don't care, I can buy another pair!"

What's more lame, "liar liar" or the response to being called a liar? Click the source to find out more childhood rhymes - most of which are incredibly naughty.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

One of Rolex's most successful products is sand!

One of Rolex's most successful products is sand!

Rolex is known for creating some of the best watches on Earth - they are classy, reliable, and incredibly consistent with how well they are built.

It must've taken dozens of years of craftsmanship for the Rolex company to have such a standard quality of their watches. It is because of their high standard for quality that Rolex started selling bags of sand.

What? Sand? Why? Well, think of hour glasses. Hour glasses are filled with sand, but in order to accurately keep track of time - hourglasses have to be specifically built.

Not only do the hourglasses have to be perfect - but the grains of sand all have to be of equal size so they move through the hour glass the same way.

Therefore Rolex took their high standards and consistency and decided to get into the sand making business.

At first it started as an art project, but it later developed into a business. In the picture attached to this article, you'll see a bunch of bags that represent 30 days. That picture represents the average human life span.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Linda Hamilton became a total badass to film Terminator 2. This is why.

Linda Hamilton became a total badass to film Terminator 2. This is why.

Some people try to take their movie roles very seriously; this is what distinguishes great actors from noobs.

Linda Hamilton, is one of the greatest actresses that has ever lived, if not, go watch Terminator right now and see it for yourself.

Linda Hamilton trained with former Israeli commando Uzi Gal and with personal trainer Anthony Cortes for three hours a day, six days a week for 13 weeks before filming Terminator 2: Judgment Day.

Under both, she trained intensely with weights and learned judo and heavy military training techniques. She had to maintain a demanding non-fat diet even during filming and lost 12 pounds.

Because of this punishing regimen, she declined to reprise her role for Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. She also learned to pick locks for the scene in the mental hospital where she does precisely that with a paperclip.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

A Russian psychic thought he could step in front of a train and stop it with his mind. Guess what happened?

A Russian psychic thought he could step in front of a train and stop it with his mind. Guess what happened?

E. Frenkel was one of many psychic healers in the Soviet Union. Frenkel claimed that he could heal people with his mind, and stop moving objects with his psychic ability.

He stopped cars and bicycles, but he had bigger plans in mind. (Mind, psychic, get it? It's a pun.)

An engineer of the train that Frenkel tried to stop, noticed that Frenkel was standing on the side of the tracks in white clothing. At the last second, Frenkel stepped onto the tracks, the trains emergency brakes didn't work - and Frenkel was hit by the train.

His briefcase was found nearby with a note on the inside that read "First I stopped bicycles, cars, and a street car. Now I'm going to stop a train."

Well, you've got to respect the man for putting his money where his mouth is. Unfortunately, he was wrong about his psychic abilities and had to find out the hard way.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Men of this religion pray every morning thanking God for not making them women!

Men of this religion pray every morning thanking God for not making them women!

Are you ready to feel uncomfortable? Picture this: Thousands of Orthodox Jewish men, every morning when they first wake up, they recite a prayer.

No big deal, billions of people pray every day - but this is the particular prayer that they recite every morning: "Blessed are you, Lord, our God, ruler the universe who has not created me a woman."

For some people, the passage is misogynistic and is used as evidence to support the theory that the Orthodox Jewish religion is anti-woman at it's core.

The prayer is found in the Talmud, that is essentially a run down of what activities should be performed in the morning after you wake up.

Some other activities include hearing the first cock-crow, stepping on the ground, opening your eyes, pleasant things like that.

To keep the blessings the same, medieval Jewish authorities wanted everyone to recite the prayers together in the synagogue, rather than alone in your home.

However, some people swap out the "has not created me a woman" part with "has not created me a slave" or other variations of things that they are glad that they are not.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Why did NASA intentionally crash the Galileo probe into Jupiter?

Why did NASA intentionally crash the Galileo probe into Jupiter?

Galileo was an unmanned NASA spacecraft which studied the planet Jupiter and it's moons, as well as several other solar system bodies. Named after the astronomer Galileo Galilei, it consisted of an orbiter and entry probe.

Years of Jupiter's intense radiation took it's toll on the spacecraft systems, and it's fuel supply was running low in the early 2000s.

Galileo had not been sterilized, so to prevent forward contamination of it's moons, a plan was formulated to send it directly into Jupiter.

So Galileo was intentionally commanded to crash into Jupiter, which eliminated the possibility it would impact any of Jupiter’s moons and seed it with bacteria.

Galileo was able to record many amazing things besides Jupiter’s moons, hopefully the newest technology inventions will be able to provide even greater information of what’s out there.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Some of the most effective weapons against war elephants were pigs. on fire. Learn why.

Some of the most effective weapons against war elephants were pigs. on fire. Learn why.

When we think about large-scale warfare we usually don't consider ancient times. However, the size of battles during Roman times was never reached again until the nineteenth century!

In the First Punic War Rome lost over 100,000 men in a single day! With all of these men, however, just a handful of elephants could completely change the tide of battle.

Most famously, Hannibal led elephants over the Alps and wreaked havoc on Rome. So how did they combat these gigantic animals?

Funnily, pigs were the best defense! Well, flaming pigs to be precise. It turns out elephants are terrified of fire. The squealing of pigs also seems to disgruntle them.

Ancients realized this and thought they might as well throw the two together. So they would cover pigs in tar, light them on fire, and wait for the elephants to charge. When the elephants got near they would be terrified, break rank, and run!


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Elevator Death Trap Optical Illusion

There are some amazing things that people have been able to draw with chalk. One of my favorite things to check out are those amazing 3D chalk drawings that people come up with. Typically, these drawings are done on the street, but sometimes people get a big creative and put them in other places and settings, as well. If you check out the image below, you’re going to see an amazing 3D chalk drawing that would definitely freak you out if you saw it in real life. Someone draw in an elevator to make it look as if the elevator didn’t have a bottom to it. It gives the illusion that if you stepped into the elevator that you would plummet straight to the bottom.

Elevator Death Trap Optical Illusion

If you’ve ever been in an elevator in your life you know that this is one of the most scariest things that you could ever imagine. Could you imagine being inside of an elevator and the bottom falling out of it? There’s absolutely no way I’d take this elevator. I would take the stairs, instead. So, what do you think about this 3D chalk drawing optical illusion? It’s pretty cool; right? Let us know what you think about this optical illusion by leaving a rating on this post. If you want, you could even go the extra mile and leave a comment in the comments section below. Also, don’t forget to share this illusion with your friends.

The post Elevator Death Trap Optical Illusion appeared first on Mighty Optical Illusions.

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via Mighty Optical Illusions

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Elevator Death Trap Optical Illusion

via Mighty Optical Illusions

There are some amazing things that people have been able to draw with chalk. One of my favorite things to check out are those amazing 3D chalk drawings that people come up with. Typically, these drawings are done on the street, but sometimes people get a big creative and put them in other places and settings, as well. If you check out the image below, you’re going to see an amazing 3D chalk drawing that would definitely freak you out if you saw it in real life. Someone draw in an elevator to make it look as if the elevator didn’t have a bottom to it. It gives the illusion that if you stepped into the elevator that you would plummet straight to the bottom.

Elevator Death Trap Optical Illusion

If you’ve ever been in an elevator in your life you know that this is one of the most scariest things that you could ever imagine. Could you imagine being inside of an elevator and the bottom falling out of it? There’s absolutely no way I’d take this elevator. I would take the stairs, instead. So, what do you think about this 3D chalk drawing optical illusion? It’s pretty cool; right? Let us know what you think about this optical illusion by leaving a rating on this post. If you want, you could even go the extra mile and leave a comment in the comments section below. Also, don’t forget to share this illusion with your friends.

The post Elevator Death Trap Optical Illusion appeared first on Mighty Optical Illusions.

Ancient Tributes to the Winter Solstice

Mysterious signs of worshiping of the winter solstice crop up around the world.

via Discovery News

Number Rumble, an addictive numbers puzzle game for Windows Phone - Aviation Record

Aviation Record

Number Rumble, an addictive numbers puzzle game for Windows Phone

Aviation Record

While some may say we have too many puzzle games in the Windows Phone Store, they remain a great option for the times you have a little time to kill. Number Rumble hopes to join the number of quality puzzle games available for Windows Phone. 3d wooden brain teasers for you to try

Watch NASA Astronauts Perform Holiday Spacewalks Sat.

The first of three urgent spacewalks to fix the vital cooling system on the ISS has begun: stay tuned.

via Discovery News

Pot and Pets: Should Dogs Get High?

As marijuana's restrictions become more relaxed, and researchers find therapeutic uses for the formerly banned substance, pet owners are wondering: Is pot good for my pet?

via Discovery News

Heroic Black Lab, War-Zone Cat in Week's Animals

This week's gallery puts animal loyalty on display, and even has a young white lion's first Christmas.

via Discovery News

Tasty Tech Eye Candy Of The Week (Dec 21)

From a glass globe that harvests energy from the sun and the moon to a car built of Lego blocks, here are our favorite tech pieces from the week.

via Discovery News

The 23 Most Unforgivable Spelling Mistakes Of 2013

This is simultaneously the best and worst part about the internet.

Ellen DeGeneres

Ellen DeGeneres



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amazing 3d wooden brain teasers, go to retailer via BuzzFeed - LOL Feed

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce