Sunday 1 December 2013

There's a piano piece that lasts 18 hours!

There's a piano piece that lasts 18 hours!

Vexations, is a piece of music written by Erik Satie which was written to be played on a keyboard. Although the piece is from an unknown date, scholars believe that it was written sometime around 1893 based on the style of the music written, and the biographical evidence of Erik Satie.

Written on the sheet of music are the words "In order to play the theme 840 times in succession, it would be advisable to prepare oneself beforehand, and in the deepest silence, by serious immobilities".

This inscription basically means that whoever wants to play the piece, has to play it over and over again 840 times in a row!

The Pocket Theatre Piano Relay Team made an attempt to play the entire piece of music, 840 times. Guests were charged $5 for entry, but for every 20 minutes that they stayed, they would receive a refund of a nickel.

One person actually stayed through the entire performance! By the end of the piece, the audience had dwindled down to six people, and one of them shouted "Encore!"


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

There are tiny spiders having sex on your face right now!

There are tiny spiders having sex on your face right now!

On your face, right now, there are tiny bugs that are closely related to spiders, living, and possibly mating, in the pores of your face. For years, these tiny bugs were considered harmless passengers that were riding the natural ecosystem that exists on your face. It wasn't until 2012, that scientists started to believe that these tiny bugs could be the cause of an ancient skin disease!

The disease, Rosacea, effects around 5 and 20 percent of people worldwide. The disease was nicknamed the "curse of the Celts" as it is often found in people who have very fair skin. A commonly thought cause of the disease was excessive drinking, and while it can make Rosacea more noticeable, it isn't the exact cause.

Kevin Kavangh of the National University of Ireland thinks he discovered the cause. Tiny mites, live in the pores of your facial skin. They love the hair follicles of eyebrows and eyelashes, and the areas around the noise, forehead, and cheeks. The mites it facial oil, and basically colonise your face at puberty! These little insects are called Demodex!


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

China Launches 'Jade Rabbit' Rover to the Moon

China on Sunday launched its first spacecraft to the surface of moon, with landing of the six-wheeled rover named "Yutu" -- Chinese for "jade rabbit" -- expected in two weeks. Continue reading →

via Discovery News


There are plenty of things a president can do that would count as impeachable offenses; I just don’t think “too much tomfoolery” counts as one of them.

Also, “OBOONCOON?” What the hell is that? If you’re going to be a racist twat at least try to make a clever play on words. This is just Genuine Frontier Gibberish.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Today's Daily Brain Teaser (Dec 02, 2013)

Unfortunate Rabbits

The following limerick has had the last word of each line scrambled. Can you figure it out?

It is the unfortunate THIAB

Of the rabbit to breed like a BIRTBA.

One can say without NOUSETIQ

This leads to TECGSONINO

In the burrows that rabbits TANIIBH.

Check for the answer.

Today's Daily Trivia Quiz (Dec 02, 2013)

Disney Songs: "Kiss The Girl"

See how well you know this song from "The Little Mermaid".

Take the Quiz at

Creativity : Children

Most people would agree that children are generally more creative than adults. Children draw more, ask more questions and come up with interesting ideas. There are two commonly held theories about why we lose our creativity as we age.

The first theory is that as we age, we become more and more aware of practical constraints such as gravity or economics. Working within these constraints prevents us from fully utilizing our imaginations. We must suspend our disbelief in order to be mentally playful.

The second theory is that our culture socializes creative properties out of people. When we are young we are encouraged to draw and play, but as we get older more emphasis is placed on more cerebral activities such as math and reading. Children are slowly trained that being able to do arithmetic is more important than being creative.

Memory : Alzheimer's Prevention II

Mental exercise is one way to help prevent Alzheimer's. Another means of prevention is to remain physically fit throughout life. All of the organs in the body benefit from being physically fit, including the brain. One Harvard study of more than 18,000 participants found that people who got the most exercise showed less mental decline than those with sedentary lifestyles.

Physical exercise increases blood flow to the brain and keeps it working efficiently by stimulating the production of neurotrophins. This is especially true for the hippocampus which is the first area of the brain affected by Alzheimer's disease. This increased blood flow and neuronal efficiency can reduce the natural shrinkage that occurs in the brain as it ages. An average person will lose between 15% and 25% of brain cells by the age of 90. Those people who get the most exercise will be at the bottom of that scale, while those people who never exercise will be at the top of that scale.

Vocabulary : Word of the Day : Palter

pal-ter :: v

To act insincerely or deceitfully.

"And I would warn you, sir, that if you palter with the truth in such little matters you may darken your more important statements with suspicion." --London, Jack

Why doesn't the US Patent Office let Apple trademark the name iPad Mini?

Why doesn't the US Patent Office let Apple trademark the name iPad Mini?

iPad, iPhone, iPod, all of these items are quickly identifiable because to be Apple products because of the 'I' prefix before each name. However, as it turns out, Apple is unable to copyright that prefix - which means just about any company could use it!

The reason for this being is that when Apple applied for the patent, in the US Patents and Trademarks Office, they were denied. Apple was denied because according to the US Patent Office, you can't patent the name of something if it fits into the description of that item.

Thus, the 'I' in the names of Apple products denotes 'internet'. This means that the letter 'I' as a prefix describes the item of having internet access. Therefore the 'I' is just describing what the product is - which is something you can't put a copyright on!

Confused? It's a little more simple with the patent for the 'iPad Mini'. Apple was unable to trademark "MINI" because it describes that current model of iPad to be smaller than all the other models of the iPad. Again, they were denied because the word they tried to copyright is just descriptive!

You can't copyright words that describe your product! For example, you can't copyright the name of purple microwave if it is called "Purple microwave"


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Years ago, the US Government had outlined the 3 likeliest catastrophes that could hit the United States. 2 of them have already happened!

Years ago, the US Government had outlined the 3 likeliest catastrophes that could hit the United States. 2 of them have already happened!

Before 9/11, the Federal Emergency Management Agency listed the three most likely disasters that America was going to have to face: A terrorist attack on New York, a hurricane strike on New Orleans, and a major earthquake in San Francisco!

As predicted, there was a terrorist attack on New York City - something that had been predicted, but nobody was prepared for. 9/11 will always be remembered as a horrifying day.

"The New Orleans Hurricane scenario, may be the deadliest of all." Unfortunately for New Orleans, the writer of The Houston Chronicle that published those words were correct.

In 2005, New Orleans was hit by a devastating hurricane that left hundreds of thousands of people homeless for weeks - and took the lives of many.

Officials were also unprepared for a devastating hurricane to hit New Orleans - even though it was named one of the most likely catastrophes to happen in the United States. You would think that the government would have prepared a little more - but they did not.

Now the question is, will a massive earthquake hit San Francisco - and will we be ready for it?


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

There's a band that ONLY sings about beards!

There's a band that ONLY sings about beards!

The Beards formed in 2005, and are an Australian comedy, folk rock band. The group is known for sporting beards, and singing about the virtues of having a beard.

The band was first formed to play a show as a joke and be done with it - however their growing popularity and local cult following made them release their first album, "The Beards" in July of 2007.

As the band grew in popularity, in 2009 they travelled to Alaska to perform at the opening ceremony for a very prestigious event - the World Beard & Moustache Championships.

Some of The Beards songs include, "If your Dad Doesn't Have a Beard, You've Got Two Mums", "Got Me a Beard" and my personal favourite, "You Should Consider Having Sex With A Bearded Man". To date, the band has three albums, with the most recent coming out in March of 2012.

It just goes to show you - folk music doesn't have to be serious in order to be enjoyable!


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

The Legend of Korra almost didn't get made becuase Nickelodeon was worried about a show with a female lead character!

The Legend of Korra almost didn't get made becuase Nickelodeon was worried about a show with a female lead character!

M. Night Shyamalan became hated by anime fans worldwide when he created the film The Last Airbender - because almost everybody thought that it sucked.

This box office flop of a film looked like the end for the popular anime cartoon, Avatar. Just a little reminder: We're talking about the anime cartoon Avatar, not the James Cameron film that was essentially Pocahontas but with blue people.

It wasn't until Nickelodeon launched the sequel show "The Legend of Korra" that fans began to feel relieved that the franchise was continuing. However, Nickelodeon was, at first, reluctant to make a sequel show starring a female action hero!

During test screenings, the show was played for a small group of young boys, which is the demographic for the show.

Nickelodeon thought that the boys would neglect to care about a female character as the action hero - when the reverse happened. The children didn't care that Korra was a female - they just thought "she was awesome"!

It just goes to show you that children don't care about gender roles - so why do we?


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Barnwood Art

Barnwood Art

Came into some nice weathered barn wood so decided to get artistic. The frame is made of some boards that had a nice orange lichen on them. The frame is made of two components, the main mitered frame which I then covered with an outer layer to conceal the cut edge of the barn wood. That’s the challenge with barn wood, when you rip it to width you expose a relatively ‘new’ edge that contrasts with the weathered edges.

Once the frame was completed, i used a particle board, painted black, to fill the void. Then I painted barn wood various colors, using some milk paint and some other paints I had in my inventory. I resawed these pieces to random thicknesses, then cut them into random sizes. I pieced these into place, like a big jigsaw puzzle, painting the edges black before gluing them into place. Finally, I sprayed several coats of semi-gloss poly over the whole thing.

The wife loves it.

Scientists can create a tree made of silver using a simple chemical reaction!

Scientists can create a tree made of silver using a simple chemical reaction!

Diana’s tree is a dendritic amalgam of crystallized silver, obtained from mercury in a solution of silver nitrate; so-called by the alchemists, among whom "Diana" stood for silver.

The quickest method to generate this tree takes about a quarter of an hour. The form of this metallic tree may be varied as desired. The stronger the user makes his elements, the thicker the tree will be with branches, and sooner formed.

A scientist also described how numerous other kinds of trees may be produced by crystallization and "digestion”.

There is also Saturn's Tree, which was a deposit of crystallized lead, massed together in the form of a "tree". It is produced by a shaving of zinc in a solution of the lead(II) acetate. In alchemy, "Saturn" was the name used for lead.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce