Monday 27 January 2014

There is a very specific reason that Facebook is blue! Do you know what it is?

There is a very specific reason that Facebook is blue! Do you know what it is?

Most colours on a website are chosen because of the aesthetic value that the colours have, and because that the designers of the website feel as if the colours best reflect what they are trying to tell an audience. However, Mark Zuckerberg chose the iconic Facebook blue for a different reason—a much more unusual reason.

On a Russian late night television talk show, Zuckerberg recently discussed why he chose the colour blue for Facebook. The reason Zuckerberg chose blue for Facebook is because he is colourblind, and blue is one of the colours that he can see best!

Later in the interview, Zuckerberg also stated that the reason he wears T-shirts all the time is because when he was growing up he had to go to a boarding school and wear a uniform!


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

test optical illusion

How are all of you doing out there today? It’s a Monday, so I know a lot of you probably aren’t in the best of moods right now, but I’m going to try to cheer you up with a brain teaser optical illusion. Either way, I hope you all are feeling a lot better than I am right now, because I’m pretty sick at the moment. Everyone was getting sick all around me and I thought I was going to manage to squeak by without catching anything, but I wasn’t that lucky. It’s probably from all of those arctic blasts we’ve been having in my area. Either way, I hope you all are feeling well and I have a vertical lines optical illusion that’ll hopefully make you feel a bit better about it being a Monday. Scroll down to check out the optical illusion.

test optical illusion

Do you see the little white blocks in the image above? Basically, it’s your job to tell me whether or not you think they’re all lined up perfectly from top to bottom or if they’re sloping from top to bottom. If you want, you can leave your guess in the comments section below this post and let me know what you think. If you like this optical illusion, you should rate this post with our star rating system. Either way, I hope you’ve enjoyed it and I hope it gets those wheels spinning :). Don’t forget to share this with your friends and see what they think, as well. I’m sure they will enjoy this illusion.

The post test optical illusion appeared first on Mighty Optical Illusions.

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via Mighty Optical Illusions

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

test optical illusion

via Mighty Optical Illusions

How are all of you doing out there today? It’s a Monday, so I know a lot of you probably aren’t in the best of moods right now, but I’m going to try to cheer you up with a brain teaser optical illusion. Either way, I hope you all are feeling a lot better than I am right now, because I’m pretty sick at the moment. Everyone was getting sick all around me and I thought I was going to manage to squeak by without catching anything, but I wasn’t that lucky. It’s probably from all of those arctic blasts we’ve been having in my area. Either way, I hope you all are feeling well and I have a vertical lines optical illusion that’ll hopefully make you feel a bit better about it being a Monday. Scroll down to check out the optical illusion.

test optical illusion

Do you see the little white blocks in the image above? Basically, it’s your job to tell me whether or not you think they’re all lined up perfectly from top to bottom or if they’re sloping from top to bottom. If you want, you can leave your guess in the comments section below this post and let me know what you think. If you like this optical illusion, you should rate this post with our star rating system. Either way, I hope you’ve enjoyed it and I hope it gets those wheels spinning :). Don’t forget to share this with your friends and see what they think, as well. I’m sure they will enjoy this illusion.

The post test optical illusion appeared first on Mighty Optical Illusions.

After doing cocaine, the chance of having a heart attack within the hour increases by 2400%!

After doing cocaine, the chance of having a heart attack within the hour increases by 2400%!

Cocaine is one hell of a drug. In fact, it's one of the more dangerous recreational drugs out there because of the effects that it has on a person's heart. A study published in 1999 by the Institute for Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Boston revealed that cocaine can increase the likelihood of a heart attack by 2400%!

Like any drug, there are several theories why cocaine acts on the body that the way it does, and why it can lead to a heart attack.

One of these theories is that cocaine causes a sudden rise in blood pressure, heart rate, and contractions in the left ventricle of your heart. The combination of these three things can lead to a heart attack.

Another theory is that cocaine tightly squeezes and constricts the coronary arteries that feed blood to the heart. If the artery is too constricted, blood flow to the heart and brain can be obstructed, causing a heart attack or stroke.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Back to the drawing board

OK, maybe your kid’s not the next Norman Rockwell. At least everyone got a good laugh in the Teacher’s Lounge.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Phone Booth Car


via You Drive What

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Are you afraid of germs? You might not want to know how many fungi are living on your feet!

Are you afraid of germs? You might not want to know how many fungi are living on your feet!

If you have a fear of germs and all things dirty please prepare yourself—this article will mortify you. In fact, even if you aren't afraid of germs, this article will probably mortify. Let's start off by stating something relatively known all around the world; there are different types of fungus living all over the human body. As it turns out, heels and under toenails are fungi's favourite place to live.

A team of researchers led by the National Human Genome Research Institute in Bethesda sequenced the DNA of fungi living in 14 different regions on the bodies of 10 healthy people.They found that the human foot is home to around 180 different types of fungi!

To get a little more specific, there were 60 different types of fungi found in toenail clippings, 40 types in between toes, and 80 different types on the heel.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Ghengis Khan's suspected grave site was forbidden and considered sacred ground until the 1980s, 753 years after his death!

Ghengis Khan's suspected grave site was forbidden and considered sacred ground until the 1980s, 753 years after his death!

Ghengis Khan, the founding father of Mongolia, found his ultimate demise in 1227 and was buried in an undisclosed location. Ghengis Khan is thought to have found a beautiful place in the Khentii Mountains, called the Great Taboo or Ikh Khorig by the Mongols, where he sat down and stated that he wanted to be buried there. This is the suspected to be the area in which he was buried. However, Ghengis Khan’s grave hasn’t actually been found yet!

The USSR feared that opening this area would start a Mongolian national movement, so it was declared an untouched holy ground until the 1980s. Only the Darkhad and their families, a group of elite warriors given the task of protecting the sacred land with penalty of death, were allowed to enter the sacred grounds.

Ghengis Khan was known as a feared warrior in his lifetime. He united the Mongolian tribes and changed history. Victorious over all his foes, he spread fear through all the Eurasian countries with his unstoppable army. No matter a country's war strengths and defenses, like the War Elephants of Delphi or the even harsh winter climate in northern regions, could survive Ghengis Khan’s army. He was quite the ingenious brute.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Why Do People Commit Suicide by Fire?

A Colorado high school student intentionally set himself on fire. Outside of the United States, self-immolation accounts for a surprising number of suicides. Continue reading →

via Discovery News

Han Solo was supposed to die in Return of the Jedi, but he was saved by toys! Yes, toys.

Han Solo was supposed to die in Return of the Jedi, but he was saved by toys! Yes, toys.

Everyone knows that Star Wars is one of the biggest movie franchises in history, but few are aware that the story is much different than it was initially planned to be.

A New Hope was intended to be a standalone movie, but the studios insisted on at least one sequel.

Intending for it to be “bittersweet and poignant”, Return of the Jedi was supposed to be much darker. Han Solo, one of the film's most popular and enduring characters, was supposed to die halfway through the movie, which would end with Luke Skywalker walking off alone “like Clint Eastwood in the spaghetti westerns”, according to former Star Wars producer Gary Kurtz.

By that time, however, the studio was making three times the amount of money on toys than they were on the popular movies, and George Lucas didn’t want to kill off any of the principal characters.

So we got Ewoks instead.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Fan Film: Fallout: Lanius

"Fallout: Lanius" is a fan-made short film that tells the origin story of Legate Lanius from "Fallout: New Vegas." The film was funded through Indiegogo.

"On the brink of ruin, the Hidebark people are about to be wiped out by the slaving organisation, Caesar's Legion. However, their most ruthless warrior would prefer death to dishonour. "Fallout: Lanius" will recount how a single man brings ruin to his people due to his lust for bloodshed and victory."

>3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via Geek Art Gallery

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

DNews: Robot Soldiers Are Coming!

The future of combat might not involve humans, but robots! The U.S. Army is considering reducing the size of brigades, replacing some men and women with robots and unmanned vehicles. Join Annie as she talks about the future of robotic warfare.

via Discovery News

DNews: What's a Supernova and Where Can I See One?

In nearby galaxy M82, a star is exploding ... and you can see it! M82 is actually filled with stars being created and dying. Trace reports on this exploding news and tells you everything you want to know about supernovas.

via Discovery News

Satan’s Whip


via You Drive What

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Respect Your Elders


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

The largest known species of mosquito does not consume blood. So what does it eat?

The largest known species of mosquito does not consume blood. So what does it eat?

Toxorhynchites is the largest known mosquito species and is also called the ‘elephant mosquito’. Considering that fact, it is a relief to know that they do not live on blood! The adults of the species survive on a high carbohydrate diet that include honeydew, saps and juices from damaged plants, refuse, fruit and nectar.

Although the adults chose this ‘vegetarian’ lifestyle, the larvae’s feeding habits are a bit more sinister. They choose a protein and fat rich diet, and feed on the larvae of other mosquitoes and similar nektonic prey.

The female larvae of other mosquito species rely on blood meals to produce more eggs than feeding on nectar will allow. This means they do not have to suck blood, but they choose this risky feeding behavior to ensure they increase the number and size of yolk-rich eggs. Although blood feeding result in many casualties, the guaranteed increase in the quality and number of eggs when they are successful, means that the species multiply at a very high rate.

The adults of elephant mosquitoes are harmless to humans. Blood sucking mosquitoes can infect humans with diseases like malaria, dengue fever and the west nile virus. Disease vector and toxin control researchers have speculated that if Toxorhynchites mosquitoes were introduced to areas outside their normal range, their larvae-munching behavior could fight some of those diseases.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Dead Plants Hold Earthquake Secrets

Earthquakes can cook dead plants and algae trapped in a fault, similar to how organic material transforms over eons into oil.

via Discovery News

Two-Tone Tommy


My man is not messing around with that two-tone business in the front and party in the back. I never knew mullets could be so bi-polar but I’m behind him 100%…cause I like the party section better.

North Carolina

The post Two-Tone Tommy appeared first on People Of Walmart.

via People Of Walmart

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Lego Creations: Team Fortress 2

CL4PTRAP Units from Borderlands 2

>3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via Geek Art Gallery

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Lego Creations: Ganondorf

Ganondorf from the Legend of Zelda

"My favourite end-of-game boss of all time. Couldn't resist having a crack at him for the "Like A Boss" contest.

I was inspired by Iain Heath's brilliant Bilbo and Gollum creation to have a crack at a different scale of building. Definitely not my comfort zone! Hope you like it."

>3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via Geek Art Gallery

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

The City Is the Computer

With urban computing, the city becomes a kind of distributed computer and the pedestrian becomes a moving cursor.

via Discovery News

Four known families in the world suffer from "immigration-delay disease". Know what it does?

Four known families in the world suffer from "immigration-delay disease". Know what it does?

Almost every person is born with fingerprints and each person’s are unique. But there are four extended families worldwide that were born without them.

Adermatoglyphia is a disease that causes people to be born with no fingerprints. The disease does not have any side effects except for a minor inability to sweat, and the obvious social difficulties that being born without fingerprints bring.

It makes it very difficult for the sufferers to cross international borders, hence the nickname ‘immigration-delay disease’. Applying for certain types of jobs can also be problematic. A less serious but annoying complication is that these people have less grip in their fingers, and therefore find it cumbersome to turn pages and deal cards.

Researchers have found that the sufferers are born with a mutation of the smaller version of the SMARCAD1. The larger SMARCAD1 gene is expressed throughout the body, but the smaller version only acts on the skin.

The mutation causes copies of the gene to be unstable. That is just the first link in a long chain of events which ultimately hinders fingerprint development in the womb. Unfortunately researchers have not yet figured out what the rest of the events in the chain actually are.

There is hope that the further study of these families will ultimately lead to a biological insight that will help solve all the mysteries surrounding fingerprints.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Lego Creations: Team Fortress 2

>3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via Geek Art Gallery

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

Lego Creations: Team Fortress 2

"I did the team in red because that seems to be the signature color of the game. A blue team may be forthcoming...

This was my first attempt at doing miniland-scale figures. I have to say, they're pretty fun to make. The scale can allow for a surprising amount of detail, but the real key to making these is getting the proportions right. I can't say I did that 100% (some of these are probably too tall, excluding the Heavy), but overall I'm very satisfied."

>3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via Geek Art Gallery

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce