Monday 27 January 2014

The largest known species of mosquito does not consume blood. So what does it eat?

The largest known species of mosquito does not consume blood. So what does it eat?

Toxorhynchites is the largest known mosquito species and is also called the ‘elephant mosquito’. Considering that fact, it is a relief to know that they do not live on blood! The adults of the species survive on a high carbohydrate diet that include honeydew, saps and juices from damaged plants, refuse, fruit and nectar.

Although the adults chose this ‘vegetarian’ lifestyle, the larvae’s feeding habits are a bit more sinister. They choose a protein and fat rich diet, and feed on the larvae of other mosquitoes and similar nektonic prey.

The female larvae of other mosquito species rely on blood meals to produce more eggs than feeding on nectar will allow. This means they do not have to suck blood, but they choose this risky feeding behavior to ensure they increase the number and size of yolk-rich eggs. Although blood feeding result in many casualties, the guaranteed increase in the quality and number of eggs when they are successful, means that the species multiply at a very high rate.

The adults of elephant mosquitoes are harmless to humans. Blood sucking mosquitoes can infect humans with diseases like malaria, dengue fever and the west nile virus. Disease vector and toxin control researchers have speculated that if Toxorhynchites mosquitoes were introduced to areas outside their normal range, their larvae-munching behavior could fight some of those diseases.


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