Monday 27 January 2014

There is a very specific reason that Facebook is blue! Do you know what it is?

There is a very specific reason that Facebook is blue! Do you know what it is?

Most colours on a website are chosen because of the aesthetic value that the colours have, and because that the designers of the website feel as if the colours best reflect what they are trying to tell an audience. However, Mark Zuckerberg chose the iconic Facebook blue for a different reason—a much more unusual reason.

On a Russian late night television talk show, Zuckerberg recently discussed why he chose the colour blue for Facebook. The reason Zuckerberg chose blue for Facebook is because he is colourblind, and blue is one of the colours that he can see best!

Later in the interview, Zuckerberg also stated that the reason he wears T-shirts all the time is because when he was growing up he had to go to a boarding school and wear a uniform!


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

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