Monday 15 February 2016

Today’s Daily Brain Teaser (Feb 16, 2016)

crafty puzzles daily brain teaser

Country Scramble

Can you unscramble the countries in Part 1 and match them with the appropriate fact about them in Part 2? And your answer is?

Part 1








Part 2

1. This is the world’s most populous country.

2. The capital of this country is Abuja.

3. This is the only country to ever suffer an attack with atomic weapons.

4. The capital of this country is Seoul.

5. This country is a great industrial power despite the fact that it must import many resources.

6. The capital of this country is Pretoria.

7. Dracula’s home, Transylvania, is in this country.

Check for the answer.

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Today’s Daily Trivia Quiz (Feb 16, 2016)

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What Is the Baby’s Name?
How many baby names do you know? Some of them are not ones you’d think of.

Take the Quiz at

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Vocabulary : Word of the Day : Sartorial

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adj. :: Of or pertaining to a tailor or his work.

“All of them wore the cast-off clothes of other men and women, were made up of patches and pieces of other people’s individuality, and had no sartorial existence of their own proper.” — Dickens, Charles

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Creativity : Opposite Perspective

crafty puzzles daily brain teaser

The next time you are stuck on a project ask yourself this question, “If the goals of this project were completely opposite of the actual goals, what would I do differently?” When we think about a project in one particular way we can get into a mental rut which is hard to escape. A question like this gets you thinking about opposites, which will in turn get you out of the rut and get your mind thinking about new ideas. Sometimes solutions that are completely opposite of the solutions you seek can be very fruitful.

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Memory : Hippocampus

crafty puzzles daily brain teaser

In the middle of the brain, connected to the cortex, is the hippocampus. Actually there are two hippocampi, one on each side of the brain. The hippocampus helps to form new memories about experienced events. It interprets incoming sensory inputs and turns them into memories. If the hippocampus is damaged, it becomes incredibly difficult to form new memories and recall old memories. In fact, it is one of the first parts of the brain that succumbs to Alzheimer’s disease.

The hippocampus also stores and processes spatial information. This is how you remember locations and know how to get from place to place. The types of people who never get lost and are good at finding shortcuts have a very active hippocampus. Taxi cab drivers tend to have a large hippocampus, indicating that if you use your spatial skills, your hippocampus can actually grow.

To prevent information overload, your hippocampus is constantly sifting through incoming sensory inputs and deciding what to save and what to discard. For a memory to get into long-term storage, it must be selected by the hippocampus. Information with emotional significance or information that relates to something we already know tends to get preferential treatment. This is why meaningfulness is important for information you want to learn.

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Their teeny berets are so cute.


Their teeny berets are so cute.

Hey, this spatula looks like a swatter…

Photo courtesy of Michele Garramone.
Found in Chengdu, China.

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