For each of the following four words, come up with another English word that uses all THE SAME letters but in a different order. The four words you come up with will rhyme with one another.
Check for the answer.
AppAdvice | AppAdvice Game Of The Week For Sept. 20, 2013 AppAdvice We've been enjoying this fantastic little puzzle game due to challenging game mechanics and gorgeous visuals. If you're a fan of puzzle games, you're sure going to find this one quite delightful. Check it out in the App Store as a universal download ... |
I’m not sure if we already featured Alessandro Diddi, a skilled italian illustrator. Just watch how brilliantly he makes it possible for his viewers to believe his drawings are popping out of the page into the third dimension! All of the below incredible anamorphic illustrations play with light, shading, and perspective to trick the human eye into believing that inanimate sketches have come to life. Which one is your favourite? Can you pick one up over the others? For more awesome 3D illustrations, check out the works of Ramon Bruin.
It is not necessary to consume a large amount of resources to achieve something interesting. All you need is a pencil and something to draw on, and you can create something really magical.” – Diddi
The Saturday Quiz: Try our weekly brain teaser The Independent 1. The two factions created by the 1904 split in the Russian revolutionary movement were the Bolsheviks and who? 2. Pat Clifton is a children's TV character better known as who? 3. Saudi Arabia is the country with the biggest oil reserve in the world. |
Touch Arcade | 'Strata' Review - At Last, A Use For Basketweaving 101 Touch Arcade For sadly all too many puzzle games with interesting setups, this is as far as it goes. However, this is just the beginning. Once it's taught you the basics and hammered them into your head, it begins to up the ante. First, it throws another color into ... | | 5 Must-Play Games For Avid Candy Crushers Bejeweled, or as we like to call 'The Big Daddy' of such puzzle games was the first true Candy Crush that has been around since 2001! It was one of the first new-era highly simplistic games that got people addicted for hours, and its recent installment ... |