Sunday 7 February 2016

Today’s Daily Brain Teaser (Feb 08, 2016)

crafty puzzles daily brain teaser

Fruits and Veggies

Identify the fruits and vegetables from the following clues:

(Don’t assume that you know how part of a clue is pronounced. There may be more than one way!)

1. “Mom, may we please go outside? Will you please let us play? PLEASE! PLEASE!”

2. Another name for a taxi + the rings in a tree indicate what? = ___________________.

3. A pool stick + C + a burnt brownish color = ______________________.

4. Your mother pairs socks at the toes.

5. A drink + me + the end of the word “talon” = _____________________.

Check for the answer.

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Today’s Daily Trivia Quiz (Feb 08, 2016)

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Rush: “Tom Sawyer” Lyrics
This is a very difficult song to understand. Do you know the lyrics?

Take the Quiz at

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Vocabulary : Word of the Day : Palliate

crafty puzzles daily brain teaser


verb :: To reduce the violence or intensity.

“The doctor tried unsuccessfully to palliate the pain that resulted from the disease”.

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Creativity : Work Hard, Play Hard

crafty puzzles daily brain teaser

Many famous thinkers got their bright ideas while they were relaxing and not thinking about the problem. Archimedes got his sudden flash of genius while taking a bath and Darwin figured out evolution while driving down the road. These flashes of insight happen because the unconscious mind continues to process information in the background while you are doing other things. If your subconscious figures something out, it will seem like the idea came out of nowhere.

One way to encourage this is to periodically review your notebook to remind your subconscious mind about some of your recorded ideas. Then give your conscious mind a break from concentrating on the topic and do some novel and interesting activities. When you do this, it gives your subconsciousness a chance to freely explore the idea without the constraints that you impose upon your conscious thinking.

from Braingle

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Memory : Tip of the Tongue

crafty puzzles daily brain teaser

Everyone has had the experience where you have something on the tip of your tongue, but you can’t remember it. One way to try to recall the information is to think around it. Another way is to stop thinking about it and let your unconscious mind process it for a while. Sometimes the fact will jump into your mind the moment after you stop thinking about it. Normally, once you remember the fact, it seems obvious and you can hardly imagine why you couldn’t remember it in the first place.

This proves a few facts about memory. First, it shows that memory is not all or none. In other words, sometimes you can recall a partial or incomplete memory. Second, just because the information is in your mind doesn’t mean you can recall it whenever you want. Organizational problems sometimes prevent recall for information that exists.

from Braingle

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Misses Memories


Misses Memories

Photo courtesy of Erick Molden.
Spotted in Beijing, China.

The post Misses Memories appeared first on Crafty Puzzles.

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