Tuesday 16 July 2013

Today's Daily Brain Teaser (Jul 17, 2013)

What's a Letter Between Friends?

Which is the odd couple? Find how these pairs were formed, then decide which does not belong with the other four.

1. HIS and MIST

2. LUSH and PULP


4. WIDE and NINE

5. HIKE and SEED

Check Braingle.com for the answer.

Today's Daily Trivia Quiz (Jul 17, 2013)

Spanish Colors

Do you know all your basic colors in Spanish? Type in the correct English spelling of these colors that are in the masculine/singular form of the Spanish language.

Take the Quiz at Braingle.com

Memory : Corpus Callosum

The corpus callosum is the part of the brain that connects the left and right hemispheres of the cerebral cortex. Most of the communication between the two halves of the brain is carried over the corpus callosum.

Some studies have shown that women have more fibers in the posterior portion of the corpus callosum. This added ability for cross-talk within the brain may account for the tendency for women to be more intuitive and better multitaskers. This interconnect is also very important for reading. This may be why dyslexia is five times more common in men versus women.

Stress : Analyze the Problem

Worrying about a problem reduces our ability to focus 100% of our attention on the task. One way to focus your attention is to answer the following questions.

1. What exactly is the problem? There is no sense in worrying about something if you do not know exactly what you are worrying about. Take some time to write down specifically what the problem is that you are trying to solve.

2. What caused the problem? Sometimes solving the immediate problem is not the correct solution because it does not fix the root causes. Try to determine if this problem was caused by something else.

3. What are all the possible solutions? Too often, one solution is proposed and time is wasted arguing about that one solution. Try having a brainstorm to find every possible solution before you argue about the merits of each one.

4. What solution is best? Once all the solutions have been laid out, it should be a pretty easy task to pick the best one and move forward with it.

If you are in a position where people bring their problems to you for help, this is a great strategy to help them solve their own problems. Simply, ask each person to answer these four questions before coming to you. It is likely that they will solve their own problem, but if not, it will make your job much easier.

Vocabulary : Word of the Day : Quiescence


adj :: Being quiet, still, or at rest; inactive

"And it flashes out in your face still, until you draw that veil of dull quiescence over it." --Eliot, George

Google Finally Admits That Its Infamous Brainteasers Were Completely Useless ... - The Atlantic

via brain teasers - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEv9ejOtGXYRcKGWl0aR8B3iZD6Rg&url=http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2013/06/google-finally-admits-that-its-infamous-brainteasers-were-completely-useless-for-hiring/277053/

Why Google Stopped Asking Job Applicants to Answer Impossible Brainteasers - Mashable

via brain teasers - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFXkOl5gHo4E0bfX1ym74Lc9OC7RA&url=http://mashable.com/2013/06/20/google-stopped-asking-brainteasers/

Give your brain a workout with these Android apps - Android Apps Appolicious

via brain teasers - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNE4oZ_lK9jKR03b4M5vKUmNtaZ6wg&url=http://www.androidapps.com/games/articles/12548-give-your-brain-a-workout-with-these-android-apps

Daily Sudoku: Wed 17-Jul-2013


Crafty Puzzles

Daily Monster Sudoku: Wed 17-Jul-2013


Crafty Puzzles

Daily Squiggly Sudoku: Wed 17-Jul-2013


Crafty Puzzles

Capital Quiz: Wednesday, July 17 - The Dominion Post

via brain teasers - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFYEJ4-nyViCNMebyWNTARY0QH1ew&url=http://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/quizzes/8925510/Capital-Quiz-Wednesday-July-17

Google's Brainteasers May Be Bad for Interviews, But It's Still Better at ... - BostInno

via brain teasers - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHvtuSjJM7Nm5cIxG28Gpg3Ti24EQ&url=http://bostinno.streetwise.co/2013/06/22/googles-brainteasers-may-be-bad-for-interviews-but-its-still-better-at-hiring-than-you/

Google Collaborates with Museum for Rubik's Cube Traveling Exhibition - Complex.com

via brain teasers - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHxuubxel5eKn7h9tG7agU5xQSsIg&url=http://www.complex.com/art-design/2013/07/google-rubiks-cube-traveling-exhibition

'Toki Tori 2+' review (PC): A puzzling ecosystem - Digital Spy

'Toki Tori 2+' review (PC): A puzzling ecosystem

Digital Spy

Toki Tori 2+ often appears like a 'Metroidvania' puzzle game, a term that refers more specifically to how classic games like Super Metroid and the Castlevania series after Symphony of the Night were structured. And to a degree the comparison appears to ...


Crafty Puzzles