Wednesday 9 December 2015

Today’s Daily Brain Teaser (Dec 10, 2015)

Rubber Ducky and Me

I may run rings around you

Or escape your clutching grip

Or leave a treacherous trail

That gives a sudden slip.

(If you’re not careful!)

You always end up winning,

While I shrink with each new meet:

Our bouts will be my ruin,

But you’ll come out smelling sweet.

What am I?

Check for the answer.

from Braingle

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Today’s Daily Trivia Quiz (Dec 10, 2015)

Random Quiz I
Can you answer these random questions? You’ll have to strain every part of your brain to solve them!

Take the Quiz at

from Braingle

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Memory : Get Organized

One of the best ways to improve your memory for every day facts and avoid absentmindedness is to get organized. Disorganized people report more memory problems than people who can easily structure the information that comes to them.

Having a good organizational system in place will ensure that information will not be misplaced, because if you have a specific place for everything, the mind knows exactly where to go to retrieve that information. For example, a disorganized person might throw their keys anywhere in the house. This means that they must remember at all times where their keys are, otherwise the keys become lost. If you are organized and always place your keys on the hook next to the door, then your brain doesn’t need to remember where they are because they are always in the same place.

For less tangible information such as phone numbers and dates, you could use a PDA or notebook to keep track of the information. This frees up some mental energy for more creative or productive uses. Once this stuff is written down, you no longer have to expend energy keeping it in your brain.

from Braingle

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Vocabulary : Word of the Day : Foppish


adj :: Like a man who pays too much attention to his clothes.

“The foppish movie star changed outfits three times a day and always wanted his picture taken.”

from Braingle

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Creativity : Icebreaker: Chair Swap

Icebreakers are little exercises that help relax tension and loosen up a formal atmosphere in a meeting where you want to have creative ideas and group participation.

Here is an icebreaker for you to try:

Have everyone sit in a circle with one person standing in the middle. There should be one less chair than people. The person in the middle asks a question like “who has a pet dog?” Everyone who does must stand up and switch seats. The person in the middle must also find a seat (sort of like musical chairs). The only rule is that when you stand up, you cannot return to your own chair, nor to a chair right next to you. This is a good way to learn interesting facts about people while having a little fun.

from Braingle

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Pffft u non-smorker

Pffft u non-smorker

Photo courtesy of Jan Patranella.
Found at a home center store in Japan.

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