Monday 27 January 2014

Ghengis Khan's suspected grave site was forbidden and considered sacred ground until the 1980s, 753 years after his death!

Ghengis Khan's suspected grave site was forbidden and considered sacred ground until the 1980s, 753 years after his death!

Ghengis Khan, the founding father of Mongolia, found his ultimate demise in 1227 and was buried in an undisclosed location. Ghengis Khan is thought to have found a beautiful place in the Khentii Mountains, called the Great Taboo or Ikh Khorig by the Mongols, where he sat down and stated that he wanted to be buried there. This is the suspected to be the area in which he was buried. However, Ghengis Khan’s grave hasn’t actually been found yet!

The USSR feared that opening this area would start a Mongolian national movement, so it was declared an untouched holy ground until the 1980s. Only the Darkhad and their families, a group of elite warriors given the task of protecting the sacred land with penalty of death, were allowed to enter the sacred grounds.

Ghengis Khan was known as a feared warrior in his lifetime. He united the Mongolian tribes and changed history. Victorious over all his foes, he spread fear through all the Eurasian countries with his unstoppable army. No matter a country's war strengths and defenses, like the War Elephants of Delphi or the even harsh winter climate in northern regions, could survive Ghengis Khan’s army. He was quite the ingenious brute.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

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