Monday 28 October 2013

Creativity : Plan your Work

Getting organized is a great way to improve your memory, and it can also help you stay motivated and be more productive. Taking some time to plan your workday or workweek can have a huge impact on your productivity. One study showed that fifteen minutes spent planning could save an hour of execution time! If you have ever been in a disorganized meeting that seemed to drag on forever, you will understand how much more can be accomplished in the same amount of time if there is an agenda.

All you need is a few minutes with a daily planner, PDA, or piece of paper. Write down the tasks that you need to accomplish and the amount of time that each one is expected to take. Now schedule these tasks into your day and stick to the schedule. You may be surprised to find that you will be much more productive if you do this.

This technique works because without a plan, we waste a lot of time between tasks. When you have a plan, you won't have to spend time trying to figure out what to do next. It also helps you work faster because you won't be worrying or multitasking. When you have a plan, you can focus 100% of your energy on the task without stressing about anything else. Disorganized people waste time trying to do two things at once, or worrying about the things that they haven't finished yet.

Once you realize how much work you can get done if you organize it ahead of time, you will become more motivated, productive and worry free.

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