Monday 21 October 2013

Creativity : Left and Right Brain

The brain is made up of a left hemisphere and a right hemisphere, which are connected in the middle by a bundle of nerves called the corpus callosum. Each side of the brain controls the opposite side of your body. When your left hand moves, it's the right side of your brain that is telling it to do so, and vice versa. Each side also processes information in different ways; the left side tends to be the rational side and the right side tends to be more intuitive or artistic. People are often dominant in one side or the other. Since the thinking process is improved when both hemispheres participate, strengthening your less dominant side is a good idea. If you are right-brained, you might try some logic brain teasers and if you are left-brained, you might try some of our Mentalrobics exercises for creativity.

Some additional characteristics of each hemisphere:

Left Hemisphere

Handles verbal tasks (reading, writing, talking)

Solves problems logically

Looks at differences

Prefers multiple choice tests

Likes to plan and structure information

Prefers analytical tasks

Right Hemisphere

Looks for patterns or similarities

Is fluid and spontaneous

Acts upon hunches or guesses

Handles visual tasks (like drawing)

Prefers open-ended questions

Synthesizes ideas

Handles aesthetic appreciation

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