Thursday 19 December 2013

Most ghost sightings can be solved with this simple explanation.

Most ghost sightings can be solved with this simple explanation.

"Supernatural" occurrences may be attributed to something not so super natural.

British scientists have seen in controlled experiments that the extreme bass sound known as infrasound produces a range of bizarre affects in humans like anxiety, extreme sorrow, and the chills.

Prof.'s Lord and Wisemen played four contemporary pieces of live music-some of which were spiked with infrasound- at the London Concert Hall and asked the audience to describe their reactions to the music.

Although the audience didn't know that any of the pieces contained the infrasound, 22% reported more unusual experiences when it was present in the music.

This included feeling uneasy or sorrowful, getting chills down their spines or feeling nervous or fearful. Infrasound can be found in nature, and usually it isn't possible to hear it.

Scientists have determined that this sound is present as some allegedly haunted sites, causing people to feel sensations that they attribute to ghosts. Infrasound is also produced by storms, seasonal winds, and some types of earth quakes.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

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