Tuesday 10 December 2013

Creativity : Engineering Challenge : The Bridge

Engineering challenges are fun activities that are frequently assigned to students in physics or engineering classes, but they can easily be used outside of these venues. An engineering challenge usually has a simple goal and some rules about what sorts of materials you are allowed to use. These are great ways to get people thinking creatively and to foster teamwork and competition. Try an engineering challenge at a birthday party, office outing, scout meeting, or any other gathering where you want to have fun and encourage creativity.

In The Bridge challenge, each team is given some building materials such as glue, toothpicks, popsicle sticks, or small pieces of wood. Each team should get the same amount of materials. The goal is to build a bridge that can span a 24-inch distance and support increasing amounts of weight. The bridge that can support the most weight before breaking is the winner.

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