Wednesday 18 December 2013

Creativity : Break It

We mentioned yesterday that it is very easy to become attached to your first idea and have trouble moving on to find alternative ideas or solutions to problems. One way to move past your first idea is to "break it." Break your idea by fabricating in your mind an obstacle that will prevent this idea from working. Now, try to find other ideas that work around the obstacle.

Let's say that you have an unwanted pile of dirt in your yard. Your first idea might be to haul it to the dump and be done with it. To break this solution, pretend that the dump is closed. How will you deal with the dirt now? Perhaps you can ask your neighbors if they want some free dirt. Maybe you could buy some containers and plant something. Maybe you could start a business baking and selling mud-pies!

Use your imagination to come up with as many solutions as you can and then pick your favorite (which may still be your first idea, but at least you gave the other ideas a fighting chance!).

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