Saturday 23 November 2013

A cat survived the sinking of three separate ships in WWII!

A cat survived the sinking of three separate ships in WWII!

Unsinkable Sam was a cat aboard a German ship in World War II. Having cats aboard ships is something that’s been common for hundreds of years mainly due to their ability to catch rodents. He first served on the Bismarck during it's first and only mission on 18 May 1941.

After a sea battle on 27 May, the Bismarck was sunk and only 115 of the 2,200 crew members survived.

Sam was found floating on a board later by the British. The British then employed him (and named him Oscar) on the HMS Cossack, until it was hit by a torpedo on 24 October and sank three days later. Though 159 people died from the torpedo, “Oscar” survived.

He was officially named “Unsinkable Sam” and was transferred to the aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal, which had played a role in the destruction of Bismarck.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

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