Friday 15 November 2013

Video: Trapped in Ikea

The only problem with TV Norge, the official YouTube channel of Norwegian comedian group Ylivs, is that most of their hilarious videos aren’t in English. Enter UploadingFriend. They take the time to add English subtitles on some of the best foreign language videos online. Thankfully, they took this original IKEA prank video, and added English so a larger audience can enjoy. Now, the English-subtitled video is trending.

At first I thought the concept of people getting lost in a furniture store was a bit far-fetched, but then I stumbled upon a the next video. After reading the YouTube comments, I realized that getting lost in Ikea is an actual thing that happen to actual people.

After getting lost one too many times at the modern Swedish interior design warehouse, Daniel Hubbard had an epiphany, and made this humorous trailer for an IKEA-themed parody of the popular Alfonso Cuarón science fiction thriller Gravity. The entire video was shot inside an actual Ikea on the down-low using camera phones. I'm pretty sure everyone else in the store thought these two were completely mental.

>3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via Geek Art Gallery

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

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