Saturday 26 October 2013

The reason soap operas look so different is because they’re shot at twice the framerate than most movies and TV shows!

The reason soap operas look so different is because they’re shot at twice the framerate than most movies and TV shows!

Ever noticed how soap operas look a little gauzy? A little off-pace compared to other television shows?

I always figured this was due to the way they lit the sets. Maybe they used an effect to make everyone's skin look better. The dimmer the lighting, the better to hide secrets. However, this is not case.

Soap operas do of course look different than other TV shows. There is even a name for this: The "Soap Opera Effect" or SOE.

Essentially, they are smoothing motion so there isn't any motion blur when you watch it on your TV. They look this way because they are shot at 30 or 60 framers per second.

Regular movies and television shows are usually shot at 24 frames per second. Hence, soap operas have a weirdly unsettling motion smoothing effect.

When LCD screens first became popular, some of these televisions had SOE capability because LCD screens struggled with motion blur.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

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