Sunday 20 October 2013

Ice cream soda floats were once considered a dangerous substance equal to alcohol!

Ice cream soda floats were once considered a dangerous substance equal to alcohol!

Ice cream soda (aka Coke floats) were invented by Robert McCay Green in Philadelphia, PA in 1874. The traditional story is that Green ran out of cream for the flavored sodas he was selling and used vanilla ice cream instead.

The beverage became popular very quickly. It was considered socially obligatory among teens. This popularity led to some local governments to ban it entirely or on holy days.

The reason for this was because soda was originally marketed as a miracle cure. This made people consider soda a substance that required oversight and control much like alcohol.

This belief actually led to the creation of another popular desert: The ice cream sundae. Soda fountains that couldn't sell soda on certain days created the sundae as something they could sell without soda.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

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