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Based on the clue in parentheses, find a four-letter word that can be inserted backwards into the blank to complete a longer word.
Example: di____ve (a defeat)
Answer: dissolve ("A defeat" gives you LOSS, which is placed backwards in the blank: di_SSOL_ve.)
1. dis____s (horse movement)
2. mi____ce (high mountains)
3. l____ion (a Mexican food)
4. s____ing (food skin)
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Based on the clue in parentheses, find a four-letter word that can be inserted backwards into the blank to complete a longer word.
Example: di____ve (a defeat)
Answer: dissolve ("A defeat" gives you LOSS, which is placed backwards in the blank: di_SSOL_ve.)
1. dis____s (horse movement)
2. mi____ce (high mountains)
3. l____ion (a Mexican food)
4. s____ing (food skin)
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