Wednesday 21 October 2015

Memory : Location Memory

The Loci system for remembering items works well because the human mind can remember where you learned something almost as well as what you learned. You’ve probably had the experience where you knew exactly where a piece of information was located but you couldn’t remember the actual information itself.

The memory of where the information is located can be a helpful cue for remembering the information itself. For example, to remember the names of your neighbors, you could mentally walk down the street and picture people in front of their house.

You can also take advantage of location when you are taking notes or preparing study material. Instead of making a vertical list of items to be remembered, organize the items on the page in a logical way. For example, if you are memorizing foreign words, you might put the nouns along the left side of the page and the verbs along the right side. The location of the word on the page will help you remember it during recall. Mind mapping, diagrams, and charts are note-taking strategies that can help you organize information visually on a page. Spatially organized notes with diagrams and drawings work better than regular notes in an outline format.

Memory : Location Memory Memory : Location Memory Memory : Location Memory Memory : Location Memory Memory : Location Memory

Memory : Location Memory

from Braingle

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