Friday 29 November 2013

In the comics, Batman's dad convince Superman's dad to send his son to Earth!

In the comics, Batman's dad convince Superman's dad to send his son to Earth!

As the story goes, Jor-El is Superman’s biological father, and a leading scientist on the planet Krypton before it's destruction. He foresaw the planet's fate but was unable to convince his colleagues in time to save the inhabitants.

Jor-El was able to save his infant son Kal-El (Superman) by sending him in a homemade spaceship towards Earth just moments before Krypton exploded.

In Superman/Batman #50, it is revealed that, years ago, Jor-El sent a probe to Earth that made contact with Thomas Wayne (Batman’s father) while he was on a drive with his pregnant wife.

The probe holographically transmitting Thomas' consciousness to Krypton so that Jor-El could better learn what kind of world Earth was to help him decide which of many possible candidates he should send his son to.

Thomas tells Jor-El that the people of Earth aren't perfect, but are essentially a good and kind race that would raise the child right, convincing Jor-El to send Kal-El there.

Thomas recorded his encounter in a diary, which was discovered by his son Bruce Wayne in the present day.


3d wooden brain teasers for you to try via OMG Facts

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

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