Saturday 5 October 2013

Today's Daily Brain Teaser (Oct 06, 2013)

0 to 10 Pyramid XIII

Starting with a one-letter word or abbreviation, add a letter and rearrange the letters to produce the next. A clue is given for each.

Maybe your car does 0 to 60 in 10 sec., but can you do this "0 to 10" in 60 sec.? Go on - get out the stopwatch!

The hint provides the starting letters of the even numbered words.

1. Describing a 180 degree turn

2. Greek's 13th letter

3. e.g. Macadamia, pecan, or acorn

4. Large fish, usually found in small cans

5. Mum's sisters

6. Remove (someone) from position of power

7. Crazy person - or a container for #3!

8. Creatures of Greek mythology: half man and half horse

9. More loyal and devoted

10. Most slovenly or grubby; most earthy or vulgar

Check for the answer.

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