Wednesday 16 October 2013

Memory : Link System Practice II

Earlier we discussed the Link System for remembering lists. Let's practice with this list of 20 words. You may think it is impossible to learn a list of 20 words in only a few minutes, but if you follow the System, it will be easy. We have provided some example visualizations for you to use, however you will have better success if you make up your own. Spend at least 2 minutes visualizing each object and association and you should have no problem remembering the whole list.


Pen, Sun, Toast, Elephant, Telephone, Window, Mud, Hamburger, Cat, Bottle, Goat, Bed, Car, Book, Money, Calculator, Lipstick, Snowman, Skateboard, Thumb

Form a clear mental image of these links to connect the words, here are some examples:

1. A pen shooting out sunlight

2. The sun being so hot it toasts some bread

3. An elephant eating some toast

4. Talking on a little elephant instead of a phone

5. Throwing a telephone out a window and breaking it

6. Having mud completely covering your window

7. A hamburger covered with mud instead of ketchup

8. A hamburger made of cat instead of beef

9. A cat stuck inside a bottle

10. A goat eating a bottle

11. A goat sleeping in a bed

12. A bed strapped onto the top of a car

13. A giant book with wheels and a steering wheel

14. A book with money for pages

15. A calculator that spits out money

16. A woman rubbing a calculator on her lips

17. A snowman wearing lipstick

18. A snowman skateboarding

19. A skateboard shaped like a giant thumb

20. (if you want to link it into a circle) Using your thumb to sign your name

Now close your eyes and try to recall the entire list. See how easy it was? To prove the effectiveness of this technique, make up a different list and try to memorize it without using the link system. See how hard it is?

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