Thursday 18 April 2013

Memory : Short-Term Memory

The average person's short-term memory can only hold 7 pieces of information for about 30 seconds. If you want to get something into your long-term memory, you're going to need to remember it for at least 30 seconds.

This is probably why it's easy to forget someone's name moments after hearing it. The name only sticks in your brain for 30 seconds, and unless you do something to push it into your long-term memory, you are going to forget it.

To get more than 7 items at a time into your long-term memory, you can try the Chunking Technique we discussed yesterday. Repetition can also help.

But remember, having a limited short-term memory is a good thing! Imagine how cluttered your mind would be if you remembered every single thing that went into it.

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