Thursday 13 December 2012

My Journey As A Scroll Saw Pattern Designer #903: I Am In Awe of You All

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I just don’t know where to begin today. Yesterday was such a great day, and the best part of it all was that lately it seems to me to be what my ‘typical’ days are turning out to be like. So many good things happened that I don’t even know where to begin, and I know I am not going to be able to mention them all.

I know sometimes I get . . . well . . . shall we say ‘sappy’ about things and I feel that kind of post coming on. It just never ceases to amaze me the capacity of sharing, friendship and kindness that lives within people. It was a day when I felt surrounded by wonderful family, friends and people here in my life and once again realized how grateful for each and every one of them.

Everywhere I turned, there was someone who made me smile.

Even as I looked beside me to my partner Keith, who was busy working on his next pattern, I felt so fortunate to have such a great and talented person in my life to share with. After doing this on my own for so long, it is incredibly easier and much more fun to have someone by my side every day as a partner. Not only does it make the good days better, but it also helps soften the blow of the not so good days to have someone who understands and supports me. Words are not sufficient to describe it. And seeing his own talents developing and the great success he has achieved on his own is another reward in itself, as his success only adds to my happiness.

I have made so many friends through my blog here and my job, that it is naturally a wonderful extension of my life. Yesterday I got to chat with my friend Kelly (Rivergirl here on Lumberjocks) and hearing her voice and talking and laughing about things made me feel like I have known her all my life. She is now making some awesome hand-made soap, body butter, and powder products that use wonderfully pure ingredients and are not only beautiful, but smell divine. I made her my official ‘Christmas Elf’ this year and ordered up some of her wonderful products to keep and also to give. She has a great Facebook page and she will happily ship your order anywhere you wish (which is great because many of my recipients are in the States) Her page is here if you want to check it out – Riverhouse Bath and Body

I also received a wonderful surprise in the mail from a designer who I have followed and admired for many years. Last year, I did some wood cutting for one of her projects and since then we have developed a nice friendship. Monika Brint has wonderful painting designs, but also sells darling puzzles and other finished items. Her unique whimsical style is so fun and cute, and I can’t help but smile when I see her pieces. Yesterday, I received a surprise Christmas card from Monika that contained three hand-painted ornaments of her own designs. I just about fell over! Here I have admired her talents for so many years, and I am so thrilled to own these pieces not only designed by her, but painted by her too.

Aren’t they awesome?! Monika’s finished designs and painting patterns are available from her Etsy Store called Cranberry Licorice Designs. She also is now making some of her patterns into large yard art which are available at Jim Barry’s Woodworker's Workshop . Can’t you just picture these fun designs 5ft tall on your lawn?? How cute they would be!

Keith and I also received a beautifully creative card from Anna (Celticscroller here on Lumberjocks) Anna has also become a friend and has made some wonderful contributions to my blog here with her thoughts and insights. Anna sent a beautiful card where she shrunk down one of Keith’s Filigree Angel ornaments and cut it out of very thin veneer. She then glued it to the card and the result is incredible:

Both Keith and I were so very touched and impressed by this. Not only was it kind of her to send it, but it was a wonderfully clever way to use the pattern. Thanks so much, Anna! :)

I could go on and on about the many, many wonderful people that I have in my life. I think it is funny too because so many of them I have not even met in person. There are times when we long for the simplicity of the past and the ‘good old days’, but there are also days such as yesterday when I realized just how much the technology of the internet has enriched my life. From forums and sites such as this where people share information (such as in my post yesterday – look at all the wonderful thoughts that were posted there!) to places such as Facebook which does have its ups and downs, but allows us to ‘visit’ with not only distant family, but friends that we would otherwise not be able to keep in touch with and also people with like interests such as painting and woodworking, and get to know our customers and become friends with them too. And even the way that we do business. It is wonderful to me that I can receive an order from even as far as Australia or Europe and be able to have the order in their hands in minutes. The same goes with questions and helping customers overcome any difficulties they may be having.

I suppose the point of this post is to thank the many, many people in my life that make my life so good. People say that I brighten their day with my cheerful attitude, but I need to say that the reason that I am cheerful is because of the people that I come in contact with each day. I am a firm believe that how we look at things can greatly affect our attitude. Once again, my favorite phrase “We focus where we follow” comes to mind. If we live our lives focusing and looking for misery, we will naturally be unhappy and miserable. If we choose to look for the good in situations (and in most of them you can find some good if you look hard enough!) it is hard not to be happy and have a positive outlook. You would be amazed at just how much you are able to control how happy you are in your own life. The choice is yours.

With that said, I will close for the day. I want to wish you all a wonderful day of good things and positive thinking. And I want to thank all my friends for making my life so good. I appreciate you all so much!

Crafty Puzzles

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