Friday 13 December 2013

25 Problems Only People With ADHD Understand

No, you cannot have any of my pills.

When you have to work in any open space that isn't the quietest, emptiest, most boring library ever.

When you have to work in any open space that isn't the quietest, emptiest, most boring library ever.

You want to get stuff done, you really do, it's just that EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING AT ONCE AND YOU CAN'T ESCAPE FROM ANY OF IT. Lookin' at you, open plan offices.

Paramount / Via

Spending so much time looking around at everything that catches your attention that you start to look paranoid.

Spending so much time looking around at everything that catches your attention that you start to look paranoid.

No, I'm not worried that someone is out to get me, it's just that EVERYTHING IS INTERESTING.

Disney / Via

Having a short term memory that is the stuff of comedy legend.

Having a short term memory that is the stuff of comedy legend.

You forget whether or not you've taken your meds, BUT YOU NEED TO HAVE TAKEN YOUR MEDS TO REMEMBER.


Loving to impulsively commit to stuff you're excited about before you've thought it through.

Loving to impulsively commit to stuff you're excited about before you've thought it through.

When you're impulsive, it's like everyone gets to see the rough draft version of you.


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amazing 3d wooden brain teasers, go to retailer via BuzzFeed - LOL Feed

3d wooden brain teasers for you to try from Net Sauce

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